Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Hick Should Have Known that Val Did Not Desire a Beeting

Hick brought home Senior Center lunches for our supper on Tuesday. It was Reuben Sandwich day!!! Hick did not have time to eat his lunch there, because he was busy working on his AHEM new storage unit. Don't get me started on that. Yet...

Anyhoo... I was excited to see the Reuben on the monthly menu, and asked Hick to get me one. So he called in two of them, and brought them home before going back for more work on the storage unit.

Grilled Reuben Sandwich
Southwestern Salad
Cucumber, tomatoes, onions
Mexican Cheesecake OR fruit

The main thing I wanted was the sandwich, but I figured I'd try the salad. I didn't understand listing those other vegetables. Wouldn't they already be in the salad? It seemed odd. And crackers? Huh. I suppose maybe to go with the salad. I asked Hick about it, and all he said was, "Sometimes they give us crackers."

Hick came in toting the containers. I asked to look in one before he put them in FRIG II.

"Okay. If it has beets in it, it's yours. Mine ain't got no beets. I told him not to."

"This must be mine. What did you get instead of beets?"

"I don't know. Huh. Looks like I got beets, too! My buddy was makin' 'em, so I guess he forgot. She asked him when I came in, 'Which ones are Hick's?' and he said he didn't know."

"I guess somebody who really likes beets won't be getting their beets, thanks to you! I don't know why you didn't have them left out of mine. I hate beets."

"I didn't know that. I thought you liked them."

Sure he did. We've only been married 35 years. I've never once served beets at a meal. I've never bought beets. I've never eaten a beet at a holiday gathering. I know that Hick doesn't like beets. Why can't he know that one little fact about ME????

Anyhoo... the Mexican Cheesecake actually looked good. I still didn't want it, so Hick scored them both.

It was a generous portion. And not turned upside down like the piece of cake he brought last week. I'm not sure exactly what's in this dessert, but I'll try to show you a cross section:

I'm sure Hick will enjoy two desserts. He MIGHT even save one for the next day. As I write this, our supper awaits. I'm planning to heat my sandwich in the oven. As I've said before, they take a few liberties. The meat is three slices of beef, like from the Buddig package. There's some kind of cheese, maybe. There IS sauerkraut on it. And the dressing might be French, although it didn't look very orange where it had leaked out of Hick's sandwich.

Maybe they should call this a Reubenesque Sandwich. Then again, that might conjure up some other image entirely. The Senior Center doesn't seem to have much concern about the accuracy of their monthly menu anyway. I did not see any crackers, nor cucumbers/tomatoes/onions in my container. 

Still, not bad for a $5 meal.


  1. After seeing that Mexican cheesecake, I just had to google the recipe as I was curious as to what made a Mexican cheesecake. I was surprised to see crescent rolls as part of the assembly. What cracked me up was after 1-3/4 cups of sugar, a stick of butter, 2 cans of crescent rolls, it also included 16 oz. of "fat free" cream cheese. I wonder if it was to balance out all of the sugar etc. or if the fat free has a different consistency more conducive to the recipe. It sounds interesting, but awfully sweet, as they also recommend serving it warm with honey drizzled on top. I happen to like beets. I grew up with them, but my husband does not care for them. The only exception, he will eat pickled beets. Ranee (MN)

    1. That is odd about the "fat free" cream cheese. Hick eats his Mexican Cheesecake at room temperature. I thought it might need to be refrigerated overnight, you know, due to being called "cheesecake" and probably containing cream cheese. Hick said no. There's still one piece left sitting on the table. We'll see if he survives after eating it.

  2. LOL...Reubenesque

    I wonder what Mexican cheesecake could be? It is strange that he cannot remember you do not like beets when he doesn't either. I hate beets with a passion, too.
    Now, I want a Reuben, too. But, I can only eat one or two strings of kraut.

    1. Eating this sandwich everyday could certainly make a person "Reubenesque!"

      The kraut on this one must have been chopped, because it didn't string out when I ate the sandwich. I have no idea why Hick thought I would want those beets!

  3. They are taking creative liberties for $5, haha! Sandwich and dessert look good, I too don't do beets but my niece went through a beet phase last year LOL.

    1. I guess they are entitled to work within their budget, and make a near-Reuben! It's better than no Reuben at all.

      I suppose maybe some people DO enjoy beets, or there wouldn't be a market for them. If beets ever ended up in my pantry, they would be the first thing I'd donate to a food drive. You know, to share such a delicacy with people who may not have tried them before...

  4. I really like Reuben sandwiches too. I use Thousand Island dressing when I make them at home. That Mexican cheesecake does look good:)

    1. This sandwich was great! I pried it apart, and warmed it in the oven. The bread got all crispy around the edges. I'll be watching next month's Senior Center menu for the next time it's offered! I can't speak for the Mexican Cheesecake.

  5. That Mexican cheesecake is pretty good, I like it. I like beets, too. Remember I grew beets one season at the campground and had to look up recipes to use them all. The beet brownies were abit too earthy for me and HeWho spit his out. Fortunately one of the campers and his grandsons ate the rest and loved them.

    1. If I was EVER going to eat beets, they would have to be in brownie form!

  6. I'm not a fan of beets either, though two of my kids like them. I wonder if the vegetable listing is just stating what is in the salad so people don't have to keep asking. The sandwich and cheesecake look delicious.

    1. Did you make beets and serve them to your kids, despite your own dislike? Or did they develop a taste for them as adults?

      I don't think that's the purpose of the listing, because there were NO cucumbers/tomatoes/onions in the salad. Nor did they list the black beans, corn, and chicken that WERE in the salad.

      Both the sandwich and salad were delicious! I assume the cheesecake was as well.

    2. We usually had canned beets available because the hubby used them as his mother always did. The kids who like beets now discovered the cooking of fresh beets about a year ago.

    3. I never even thought about making them fresh! Which doesn't mean I would taste them that way, either...
