Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Would This Be Frowned Upon?

Perhaps I mentioned that Hick is planning to start building buildings again. Indeed. As if he ever FINISHED building buildings. I think I know what prompted him to start his latest bottleworks structure. Of course, he didn’t mention this key factor until after the fact. Last night, he casually let it slip. Kind of like other things he casually lets slip.

“I think my snake is back.”

Let the record show that Hick is not a plumber. And has no twisty snake for rooting out sewer pipes or clogged toilets or stubborn sinks. That I know of. Sure, he might have a whole collection at work. But he’s never mentioned that one of them had gone missing.

“Oh, you do, do you? What gives you that idea?”

“Over in the BARn, a bunch of my bottles were turned over.”

Let the record show that although Backroads is located uncomfortably close to the long-overdue New Madrid Fault, we don’t have random quakes that might vibrate Hick’s glassware. The last time he said a mouse was tipping things over. Always the drama diva, that Hick.

So…I believe Hick believes that he can make a snake-proof shed that can keep his pretties all in a row. Need I remind you of what he found down at his creekside cabin a while back? I don’t remember if that was inside or outside. Of the cabin, of course. I KNOW it was on the outside of a snake. I’m a science teacher, by cracky! What it DOES illustrate is that when Hick completes a building and gets to stockin’, the snakes come a flockin’. I don’t know how he plans to make his proposed showplace a snake no-no place.


Right now that dream of a sparkling bottle showplace is just a gleam in Hick’s eye, and a thorn in Val’s side. If I didn’t think it would tip Hick’s hand and give him all the more reason to campaign heavily to loosen the purse strings clutched tightly by the old-crone-fingers of Val…

…I would go over to the BARn every night after Hick buried his head under the quilt with his breather, and lay all those bottles down.


  1. If Hick could somehow hang his bottles from the ceiling, they would be suspended and safe.

    He could even hang them from trees... a bunch of fishing line is all it would take. THAT seems a lot cheaper than an entire building.

    1. No. Just no. I refuse to be that house with the ill-tended grove of beer and soda trees.

  2. Maybe when Hick retires he should donate his services to habitat for Humanity. Then he could build to his heart's content.

    1. I actually think Hick would enjoy that. Bossing laypeople around, showing off his tooly expertise, telling his stories...with free building materials!

  3. The snake is just an excuse, he obviously likes to build. Maybe you should buy him some Lego's

    1. He likes race car tracks better. In fact, he made me make sure my sister the ex-mayor's wife didn't get all of them in the Great Basement Cleanout of 2015.

  4. Is that a snake he's holding? Oh, my.

    1. Nah, that just the SKIN of the snake that got into Hick's creekside cabin a while back. Which means the snake is bigger than that, since it outgrew its skin.
