Thursday, January 9, 2025

Day 4 of Val's Home Confinement

This is Wednesday, the fourth day of my homeboundness due to the ice/sleet/snow. Little else has happened here since we last convened. 

The Pony has his regular day off today, and also Thursday due to the National Day of Mourning for Jimmy Carter, and Friday as he requested leave when he first learned that Thursday would be a day off. That's three days in a row! Nearly unheard-of for a postal worker.

With a regular appointment scheduled for afternoon, The Pony was planning to scrape off his Rogue and try to get over the curb where his driveway meets the road. It wasn't so much the appointment, which he could switch to virtual, but the thought of eating lunch at a Chinese buffet that had him chomping at the bit to get his car out for the first time since the storm.

Hick returned home Tuesday evening, and sheepishly admitted to a mishap. He'd gone to his SUS(s) to try and get in. When he stepped out of SilverRedO, his feet could not get traction on the ice, and he fell. That could have been dangerous! Not only for his elderly hips, but because nobody else was hanging around the storage units on such a frigid day.

Hick had paid Old Buddy for his work on the remodel house for a Senior Center crony. Old Buddy called him that afternoon, asking Hick to check SilverRedO for the cash. "I lost the money you paid me! I got home and it wasn't in my pocket. I'm afraid it might have fallen out in your truck." Hick looked, but didn't find the money. "I went back over to the house to do some more work that I can do myself, and there it was on the kitchen counter. Old Buddy forgot to put it in his pocket. I let him know where it was, and that I was working there for a bit. He could have come got it, but he didn't. He'll get it next time."

Hick brought me scratchers. Let the record show that he did NOT volunteer, and acted like such a 1-minute chore while picking up his clandestine Casey's donut was a hardship for him. At least I had a $20 winner on a $3 ticket.

That's about it. Home confinement ain't nothin' to write blogs about.


  1. A whack on the head in a fall would be disastrous lying on the ice. Maybe Hick should make sure the guy puts his money in his pocket, surreptitiously, of course. Your post makes me want Chinese!
    Winning $20 makes staying home not so painful. Or, it would for me.

    1. Hick is planning to go to his SUS(s) again this afternoon, with sunshine and temp hitting 32, to see if the ice melted off the doors. I'm sure he will be more cautious if he steps out.

      I doubt Hick will supervise Old Buddy's money handling. He's got more to do than babysit Old Buddy. I would also like Chinese, but only after we finish this delicious pot of beans and ham. I'm going to TRY getting out today, to get my own tickets! Depends on how the ground looks when I get to town.

  2. I do hope Hick is okay after his fall and doesn't suddenly feel pain a couple of days from now. It happens to me, I fall, I get up and I'm okay, then a couple of days later the aches show up. It's very annoying so I'm glad I rarely fall. Congrats on the $20 win 😃

    1. Hick says his hips and knees hurt. Part of that might be from putting down flooring in the house he is working on. I re-invested that $20 into more tickets when I got out, and won $44. If only that pattern would continue!

  3. Sounds like Hick needs a sitter! When we were still in Missouri I assigned different campers to follow HeWho around to make sure he didn't fall. This was after he accidentally cut his forehead with the chainsaw ......
