Sunday, March 26, 2023

Hick's Very Bad Day

Because Hick sees everything as a competition between us, he had to spike a fever of 101.5 on Thursday night. I don't begrudge him the title. I have been feeling better after 48 hours of yuck. But enough about me, it's all about Hick now.

He woke up Friday morning and said his fever was gone. I asked how he knew that, because he was nowhere near either of the thermometers that rest on the table between his recliner and the short couch.

"I know. Because when I felt my head with my hand, it wasn't hot. And I sweated last night in bed."

Still, he agreed to call his surgeon and report it, since the instructions said to call with a fever of 101.6 or higher. He was close enough. Also, he was calling because he had such terrible pain in his left hip that he TOOK HIS WALKER with him to town! He hasn't used that thing since his 10-day follow-up appointment! Since they took a piece of bone or did something near that hip, he thought he should report it. His actual incision, like an extension of his rumpus-crack, looked fine. No redness or heat or pus. Just a healing scar, no openings, not painful.

The surgeon's nurse practitioner called him back and said the hip pain was probably the nerves acting up, like when he had the leg pains. So she called him in a pack of steroids again, since they worked before. She had no idea what the temperature was about, but said that if the incision looked healthy, it probably was nothing to worry about. But if it continued, then go to a local ER and get checked out. As Hick turned into the parking lot of his pharmacy, he heard a POP. Didn't think anything of it.

Anyhoo... Hick mailed Genius's letter, and three bills for me. He went to his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) for a couple hours. He went to the Senior Center for a lunch of Glazed Pork Loin, Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable Blend, Roll, and Pie. They even gave him TWO large portions of the Pork Loin. Alas, poor pitiful Hick did not feel like eating. So he packed it in a to-go container after a few bites.

Hick got his regular weekly shot at his doctor's office. He skipped his Friday afternoon bull-shooting session with his cronies because he wasn't feeling well.

On his way home, a car behind him kept flashing its lights. The car pulled up beside him on the highway, and the driver pointed. So Hick pulled SilverRedO onto the shoulder and got out to look. He had a flat tire. So he went to Mick the Mechanic's shop to get it patched. They found nothing sticking in it. Hick ordered a new tire.

He came home and took his two "before breakfast" steroid pills. Then had a 2-hour nap. Then warmed up some of his Pork Loin. Then took his "after lunch" steroid pill around 5:00. By 8:00 he went to bed, taking his "bedtime" steroid pills. I'm pretty sure he took them all way too close together, but there's no telling Hick what to do.

He was moving around a little better on Saturday morning. I didn't ask about the fever. Without a thermometer, his answer is not accurate.


  1. Oh my gosh... poor Hick. Hopefully those pills will do the trick for his pain. Good to hear that you are still feeling okay. Nothing like illness to come back after disappearing for a day or two.

    1. Hick seems to be doing better, although he saw an old high school friend yesterday who was a nurse at a surgery center. She said some people take 5 or 6 YEARS to get over the nerve pain, and some never get over it! Hopefully that's not the case for Hick. But if so, at least the intermittent steroid treatment can help.

      My fever did, in fact, come back after a nap yesterday. Only 99.6, and it went away overnight. Now the random shooting pain in my head has gone away, too. It was above the corner of my left eye, between my forehead and the crazy twirly finger temple area. I'm thinking I had an ear/sinus infection fever.

  2. You two have had some hard times here, lady. Hope the steroids can help and Hicks won't be too manly about skipping them. Glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery. Do not do the woman thing of getting back on your feet too soon.Come over and visit some time.

    1. I'm sure Hick won't skip the steroids. I hope they keep working for him. Maybe he'll get a better option when he sees the surgeon in a week or two. I am feeling back to normal now, and more like visiting!

  3. Poor Hick. My guy says if he sweats he knows his fever has broken. Maybe it's a guy thing. Hope you are both feeling better.

    1. Maybe... but this broken-fever proclamation is coming from the guy who sets an alarm to take cough medicine every four hours when he's sleeping. Measured with a serving spoon.

      I am feeling better, and Hick's fever seems to have abated, but now he's having leg pain. Could be the 8.5 hours he spent at his Storage Unit Store...

  4. I'm glad the "pop" he heard was the tyre and not something in his hip. I hope he feels better by now.

    1. Definitely! Hick is able to walk on his hip now, but the lower legs are hurting him again. I can never tell from his complaining if he's knock-knock-knocking on death's door, or experiencing mild discomfort.

  5. He should mention the lower leg pain when he sees the doctor and get his circulation checked, diabetics sometimes develop poor circulation to lower extremities.

    1. It's a problem he didn't have before the surgery, so he thinks it's from the nerve pain. I'm sure he will mention it to the surgeon for sure, and maybe his regular NP.

  6. This is why I go with HeWho reminds me of my mpther at times. She would sit on the edge of the exam table swinging her skinny legs and when asked why she sought treatment, she would reply, "I don't know, your the Doctor, you tell me." I should make a board game like Clue, but for medical mysteries like Mother!

    1. Heh, heh! Hick, in the parlor, with his walker. What's the diagnosis?
