Sunday, October 23, 2022

While the Rat's Away, the Professed-Nice Will Play

This was Hick's next-to-last weekend to sell at his Storage Unit Store. Around 2:00 on Saturday, he closed up shop, and headed down to his new SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) with a load of merchandise. He's been taking a few items down there every evening.

"I couldn't get near my place! There was cars parked in front of it, and stuff set up all around it! The lady beside me who's been real nice came over and said, 'Oh, you're here. I can move some of this.' We'll see if she does when I get ready to sell over there. I don't want a big fight trying to get my space."

We'll see, indeed. Of course they're going to push it to the limit until Hick is actually on the premises. I hope he sells the pants off them! Well. Maybe that's not a visual we want. But I hope he does a brisk business on his first couple weekends. 

That might be just more for haters to hate. But they'll see that Hick is a business force to be reckoned with. Nobody keeps Hick in a corner (with cars and merchandise blocking him in).


  1. Maybe not their pants, but I hope he sells the shirts off their backs. I also hope he gets accepted as just another seller with no animosity in the group.

    1. Hick will be fine, once the others get over their jealousy, and the inconvenience of giving him the space he is paying for. He's not a gossiper, and he refers his customers to others if they sell something that he does not.

  2. Hope they all play nice. Hick will be able to work his magic and they will soon be besties.

    1. Within a month or two, Hick will have them eating out of his hand!
