Monday, June 22, 2020

Not Camouflaged Enough To Be Invisible

Saturday evening, Hick cranked forward in the broken La-Z-Boy after his delicious meal of corn dogs and mustard. He was getting ready to leave for the auction. The Pony and I watched in horror as he slid his feet into


"Are you wearing your Crocs to the auction?"


Said Hick, as he carefully placed the straps behind his heels.

"NO! Nobody wears Crocs like that! Stop!"

"That's how I wear them."

As Hick walked past me on the short couch, I implored him to regain his sanity for once, and FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS NOT NOT-HEAVENLY, AT LEAST TAKE OFF THE CROC STRAPS!

Nope. He was confident in his fashion statement.

"I can't believe you're wearing those Crocs to the auction like that!"

"I'll be the best-dressed one there."

"That's hard to believe. At least you don't carry my name!"

"This auction is in Other-Prison Town."

"Oh. Well... there IS a chance you'll be the best-dressed one there."

They'd make the people of Walmart look like they were strutting down the runway at Paris Fashion Week.


  1. We have a friend in common who wears nothing BUT Crocs. She would approve.

  2. I've seen the people of Walmart and find it hard to believe there would be anyone worse dressed anywhere. That's ANYWHERE!

    1. Well, Hick DID have on regular khaki shorts with his back-strapped camouflage Crocs, and not a negligee...
