Sunday, July 31, 2016

There Oughta Be a Law. Or At Least a Form of Revenge, For Lying to a Little Puppy.

Let the record show that over a week ago, Hick promised to make Puppy Jack his own little swimming pool, out of the bottom of a blue plastic barrel. Hick has not.

Those of you who have seen the backwoods shower Hick constructed for the Solar Car boys (who are due to arrive tomorrow evening to spend the night) know that there is no shortage of blue plastic barrels around the homestead. In fact, Hick even made them a hand sink out of another blue plastic barrel. Which leaves poor Puppy Jack to his own devices, namely swimming in the creek, his water dish, the chickens' watering pan, the fake fish pond, the goat's water tub, and the moat over by the freight containers.

Because Val likes Puppy Jack more than Hick most days does not want to see Puppy Jack disappointed, nor swimming in a filthy goat tub or muddy moat, she took the matter into her own hands earlier this week. No, Val did not cut the bottom our of a blue plastic barrel. But she did the next best thing!

I bought Puppy Jack a cat litter box! Yes. You read me. I was in The Dollar Store, stocking up on supplies for the Solar Car camp out, like a shower curtain and eating utensils and metal pans with plastic lids...and I saw just the thing for Puppy Jack to swim in!

He doesn't need a lot of water, you know. It doesn't have to be deep. In fact, he probably couldn't even get into it if his private pool was very deep. So...I made sure to choose the plastic cat litter box without holes in the bottom, and look who's happier than a puppy with two peckers a pig in poop Val in her dark basement lair with a fresh 44 oz Diet Coke!

Darned ol' Hick even noticed Puppy Jack's happiness from across the yard, and took a picture that evening to send me. Let the record show that Puppy Jack took many dips that day, both supervised and unsupervised.

Further scrutiny of Hick's second photo shows that Jack is having none of it. That is an accusatory look if I ever saw one! How COULD you promise me a blue plastic barrel swimming pool, and give me NOTHING! Not even hope!

Quite different from the look he gave The Pony, right after his new litterpool was filled from the 55-degree well water coming from the pump faucet.

Jack adores The Pony, and stops to gaze lovingly at him whenever he realizes his picture is being taken.

Hick, you should be ashamed.


  1. Poor Jack. 55 degree water is cold. Don't you know there's shrinkage?

    1. Jack, and his not-so-platonic life partner, the male tuxedo cat, do not seem to mind about shrinkage. In fact, they would probably yada yada it.

  2. Puppy Jack is such a sweet looking fellow.

    1. I KNOW! And to think, Genius predicted he would be hideous when he heard what kind of puppy we were taking in.

  3. Using a litter box for a pool is a pretty great idea.

    1. I think it's certainly better than using a litter box for its intended purpose. But then, I have OUTSIDE cats.

  4. I love Puppy Jack!!

    1. I don't see how anybody can resist his charms.

  5. Put that last picture on your masthead and people will start mailing you donations for Jack's pool.

    1. Yes! And then I could scam the money to funnel it into my proposed handbasket factory!

  6. Has Juno been reduced to just "Your sweet Juno"?

    1. Juno? Who's that? OHHH!

      Poor Juno. She's at that awkward stage, the time of year when she has her undercoat trying to shed, and it gets matted with, I guess you'd say. I brush her every morning, but she still has an unsightly wad of faded fur just behind her hackles. AND that feathery part of her upper back legs is a fly-away mess.

      But I still love my sweet, sweet Juno. She's MY dog. Just not so photogenic right now. She does dip her tootsies in Jack's pool, because when they come for their evening feeding (even though Juno doesn't need one, and only gets something because of Jack), he is soaking, and she leaves footprints.

  7. Juno must be jealous, my dogs get jealous when I spend too much time with any one of them. Toni Louise still has issues with Cujo. She still steals toys from him, but not food, he will fight for food!

    1. I know my sweet sweetie is jealous. Even though I pet her and give her a treat every time I play with Jack. She yearns for his food, even if they have the same thing. But she hangs back if I'm watching her.
