Friday, January 29, 2016

Nancy Sinatra Will Not Be Singing a Song About The Pony

In keeping with our recent theme of "The Pony in the Distance, Balancing the Architecture of Academia on His Head," I now present you with today's photo:

Uh huh. You thought I was being unduly harsh on Hick's photography skills, didn't you? Now here's another one. I suppose The Pony is lucky Hick didn't keep telling him to back up until he fell in the fountain. And Hick is lucky that he didn't hand his phone-camera to a stranger and ask him to take their picture, thus allowing the stranger to pull a National Lampoon's European Vacation on them and run off with the gadget. Not that there are any inappropriate pictures of Val on Hick's phone that could splash her face assets onto a billboard in a foreign country.

The Pony is a workhorse, balancing half a concrete fountain on his head. It's like he's wearing a stone sombrero. Make that a DOUBLE stone sombrero. He seems to favor the same pose, and is not about to drop that swag bag. He dressed formally in his black slacks, not the khakis. The Pony is shod for walking. Yep. He was a true Oklahoma Walking Horse on this trip. Hick complained about the distance for just the morning being like a walk to our mailbox row, a walk back home, then a walk to the mailbox row again for lunch. Which would translate to approximately 3 miles for the a.m. part of the tour. That must explain the carb-loading meal of spaghetti AND pizza for lunch. The Pony strapped on the feedbag like a champ.

It took The Pony until this morning to mention that he has two blisters on his foot. Such a shock, for one who spends most waking hours at home sideways on a cheap couch in the basement in front of the big screen TV, playing computer games.

His feet ain't made for walkin'.


  1. Why do I keep thinking of that Travel garden gnome?

    "Help, I've got a fountain on my head!"

    1. Is this a riddle? I don't know...because The Pony is short? Because his head is pointed?

  2. His feet will get accustomed to walking when he's crossing a college campus a dozen times a day.

    1. That's what Genius said when he initiated a shakedown for more money for "a good pair of shoes."

  3. You could make a photo album of The Pony & his humongous hats!!

    1. I'm afraid that would require a modicum of proficiency with technology (which is not my friend).

  4. Buy the boy some bandaids before you send him off into the big bad world!

    1. That means a lesson in how to put them on himself.

  5. When will the Pony make his choice of all those schools trying to recruit him?

    1. He thinks it is April 1st, or maybe the end of May. Thanks so much for asking. Now The Pony is checking to make sure. Because those kind of details tend to escape him.

  6. Hick and his photos, perhaps you could make a scrap book, and buy him a pedometer. That is some heavy duty exercise.

    1. Hick would think a scrap book was all about his metal scrap and various other types of scrap. That day of exercise was even heavier duty for Hick. Who probably has a pedometer that came in a box of auction junk that he can give The Pony.

  7. I think Hick could get a publishing deal on a book full of photos like these.


    People Of The Country Holding UP Things On Their Head

    1. Yes, I could see Hick showing me up with his own publishing deal. POTCHUTOTH. A resource as yet untapped.
