Sunday, February 4, 2024

The Pony Is Not a Mountain Goat

The weather has taken a surprising turn, and we hit a daytime high of 69 degrees last week. Now it's been holding in the mid-50s. That means shorts weather for The Pony. He has used a step-counter to determine that his route includes 8.5 miles of walking, if I remember correctly. 

Saturday was not a good day for The Pony, despite the favorable weather. He's not known for his sure-footedness.

"Owie. Bashed my knee right into concrete in a fall. Not much blood, but ow."

"You need training wheels!"

The Pony was off work by 5:20. Not sure what else happened, but according to Pony: "It wasn't a good day so I'm just going to sleep as soon as I'm home."

Not as bad as a swollen bruised bloody dog bite. Or a broken ankle. Or a flayed-finger cat scratch from poking mail through a door slot. And certainly not as painful as a burned thumb and hand from splashing oil while cooking a steak. But still. Worse than my on-the-job injury of a paper cut.


  1. I had no blood, just a torn meniscus! Does he carry a first aid kit for all these injuries?

    1. I think he does carry the basics, like bandaids and OTC painkillers. Not sure about wipes for cleaning a wound.

      I've had surgery twice for a torn meniscus. And a bloody fall that resulted in a ROCK working its way out of the healed wound a couple years later! I would take the ripped bloody skin any day over the meniscus pain.

    2. Twice for the same knee? I have a tiny rock working its way out of the palm of my hand, and no doctor takes it seriously about how much it hurts!

    3. Yes. It was the lateral meniscus on my left knee. The surgeon said sometimes a bit of the rim of the cartilage regenerates. That was news to me. I didn't think cartilage grew back. Maybe he was "pulling my leg," heh, heh! Anyhoo... that new part tore again. First surgery was the old-fashioned kind with a 6-inch scar and 5 days in the hospital with rehab. Second surgery was arthroscopic. Three little holes, home the same day.

      My knee rock didn't really hurt. It was itchy. I was shocked when it popped out while scratching the scarred area. About the size of a pea. A jagged irregular black hard pea!

  2. Crab boaters show is called "The Deadliest Catch" I guess a show on mail delivery would be "The Painfulest Scratch."

    1. Heh, heh! That would be the perfect show for The Pony to make an occasional guest appearance.

  3. The Pony is wearing the same shoes I wear! But I am a lot steadier on my feet. Hope he doesn't fall too often.

    1. After plodding 8.5 miles a day, I can understand how The Pony might become unsteady. Looks like he needs new shoes. Those are looking stretched-out. He says he has another pair he's waiting to break in.

  4. The boo-boos that have no blood usually hurt the most!

    1. The Pony says it's not even bruised, but feels like it when he rolls over in bed.
