Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Hick To the Rescue

T-Hoe has a door that sounds like it is going to fall off every time I open and close it. His clicker only works 50 percent of the time, and needs a new battery. As does my garage door opener, which takes 10 tries to open. Hick must be too busy for my needs. He has definitely been informed. Several times over the past month. However...

Hick's efforts are obviously needed elsewhere. Remember the house where Hick put in the 90-degree plumbing joint that was actually 45 degrees? And made Old Buddy crawl under the house in the leaked-out poop? For the 74-year-old guy with a wife in poor health? Well. That guy needed Hick's help.

"I went to my buddy's house today to look at his well. He hasn't had water since Sunday. I'm not sure what's wrong with it, but I can't pull a well pump. I told him he needs to get ahold of a well person. He said that's really not an option right now. He can't go without water! I gave him $500 to pay for a well service to come fix it. I told him I wasn't going to mention it to anybody. I just wanted him to get his water fixed. He said he'll pay me back. I'm sure he will."

"Is that enough?"

"Yeah. It should be. He said he has $300 he can spend on it. It might be something as simple as the electric to the pump, but I don't have a way to test it. I just want him to have water again."

Hick's a pretty good guy about helping anybody besides me...


  1. Wow! That is beyond nice. He is to be commended for his compassion and generosity. Leave the garage door opener on the kitchen table. Or, somewhere he will see it.

    1. Hick is helpful by nature. If I leave my garage door opener on the table, I will have to leave the garage door open while I'm in town, or walk all the way around to the people door to close it, then back around to T-Hoe! Hick keeps the dog food in the garage, and there are things Jack could chew on that might hurt him if the dogs go in.

      All Hick needs to do is pry open the opener, and see what kind of battery it needs. He has one just like it in A-Cad for the other door. It's not so much a matter of "forgetting" as it is one of not wanting to take the time to do it. Every time he leaves home or returns, he could step into the garage, and determine which kind of battery. I don't know how to pry open that thing, or my clicker. I don't want to break them!

  2. Hick's a gem for sure! Who wouldn't want a good friend like him?

    1. Maybe that guy who had a fit at the Senior Center over not getting a meal "to go?" He is sometimes Hick's friend, and sometimes his enemy!

  3. I actually think it is shameful that Hick doesn't bother to fix the little things that cause you concern. Is it possible the garage clicker just needs new batteries? And how will he feel if T-Hoe's door does actually fall off one day?

    1. I know the garage clicker needs a new battery. It has needed a new battery for years. The cold weather made it worse. It used to take 2 or 3 tries, now it takes more.

      T-Hoe's door probably won't fall off. It just sounds that way. Years ago, Hick put some grease on the hinges when it made that noise. IF the door actually fell off, Hick would probably tell me to call AAA for a tow. Or to have them load the door in the back, and for me to drive home without a door!!!

  4. Replies
    1. If only I was "other people," and could get the same level of help from Hick! I'd be so much cheaper, too. With no poop involved!

  5. It's needed a new battery for years? YEARS??? Tell him I said to get it done! For cripes sake, the things you put up with....

    1. Yes. It's been slowly dying for YEARS. That shows how effective my nagging is, I suppose.

  6. HeWho is like that. The shoemakers kids are barefoot .....

    1. And the Hick goes without a Gator. He won't even fix his own playtoy! He drove the lawnmower down into the woods last week to visit his Creekside Cabin.
