Monday, February 12, 2024

Super Tray Sunday

Who needs the Super Bowl when you have a super TRAY???

The Pony came out yesterday for the Super Bowl. Didn't watch a second of it. Hick was a viewer, but The Pony and I just used it as an excuse to consume mass quantities of finger foods, and sit at the kitchen table watching The Good Place on my new laptop that The Pony gave me as a Christmas/birthday present.

The Pony was in charge of coordinating the heating of assorted frozen foods at different temperatures and durations. He did an admirable job. I made the dips, and the list of cooking times and temps. Of course we called Hick in to fill his tray first. Hick needed an overflow plate. I didn't get a picture of his treats. The Pony took one of ours.

That's The Pony's tray. Mozzarella sticks, Little Smokies in BBQ sauce, toasted raviolis, chicken tenders, pretzel bites, Ruffles potato chips. You can barely see the marinara sauce. Out of sight is his cheese and mustard sauce, Hidden Valley Ranch dip, and Hawaiian Rolls with ham.

That's my tray. I had the same things as The Pony, but less, without the ham sandwich, and with some steak and cheese taquitos. Which were a bit too spicy for my liking, though I ate them all.

Hick had Buffalo chicken instead of the plain version. So there was a lot of coordinating that went into getting everything in and out of the oven in time for Hick to hear Reba sing the national anthem.

The Pony left after half time, and didn't even take any leftovers!!! Looks like Hick will be having Little Smokies for supper for a couple nights.


  1. Yum!! Mozzarella sticks! We have mozzarella balls in our supermarket freezer section, but I've never seen the sticks and I think they'd be better. Anyway..I love your divided plates, something I never see here, except for the tiny three division plates used for babies learning to feed themselves. All your food looks so yummy.

    1. It's a standard cafeteria tray used in schools, though I found these in Walmart a long time ago. The Senior Center uses them, too. The food was good! I'm glad The Pony was here to coordinate things going in and out of the oven.

  2. It looks like you are set for dinners for a few days. I always like that.

    1. Yes! Just a little warming up. Easy peasy.

  3. Our schools don't have cafeterias, kids take their own lunches or buy something from the "tuckshop" which usually has sandwiches, fruit or sausage rolls, pies and pasties, although recently these pastry items have been banned as unhealthy.

    1. That would explain your lack of exposure to trays!

  4. Buffalo wings for me, about a dozen and two beers. Our traditional SB Sunday. I get my wings and brew and head for the basement. I let Mrs. C know when it is half time, and she lets know when that show is over. I hate that HT show, football half time should be marching bands and food/drink refills...also do not miss those big SB parties (not that we are invited) too much about half time, stupid bets and shushing during the commercials.

    1. Hick wanted boneless chicken! I guess he was afraid wings with actual bones would slow him down. I used to watch the game AND commercials, but halftime was a snoozefest for me. I might have been a shusher! In the past few years, the commercials were more preachy than funny. Not even worth shushing for. I still enjoy a good feast with the Super Bowl as the excuse.
