Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Val, Lost in the WayBack Machine

Way back when Hick and I went on our mini vacation 10 days ago, when businesses were still open, when schools were still in session, when our state and the one we visited had a total of 3 virus cases between them...Val had a heart-stopping moment.

We were driving back to Downstream Casino and Resort, in a separate car from Sis and the Ex-Mayor this time, when I reached into my shirt pocket for the room card. It was right there, where I'd been carrying it for two days. Wait a minute! Why wasn't my driver's license nestled right there beside it? That's how I carry them, you know, in a casino. Room card and driver's license. One for a quick check every time Hick asks if I have the room card. The license because it's often requested for identification in a casino.

"Huh. My driver's license isn't in my pocket. I KNOW I put it there this morning when I got dressed. It was there a couple casinos ago. I don't guess I slid it down in with the room card..."

A quick check of that paper envelope showed only the room card in its sleeve.

"Well. Maybe I put it with my insurance card in my casino bankroll holder. Nope! Not there. In my purse, maybe, with my local home player's cards I'm not using now? Nope! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? I've lost my driver's license!"

I started backtracking, searching all possible locations again. No luck.

"All you CAN do, Val, is get a new card."

"Yeah, BACK HOME! I'm sure they have my likeness on file. It's just going in to get it, and a fee. Oh, no! What will I used for ID to get a replacement ID?"

"They'll have a record, Val. Just take what you need when you renew your license."

"That's going to be a lot of trouble. HOW could I lose my license? It's ALWAYS in my shirt pocket. I guess maybe it could have fallen out when I pulled some money out of my pocket in one of the casinos. OH NO! Somebody has my identity!"

"Yep. Your name and picture and address and driver's license number!"

"That's great! I hope whoever finds it turns it in. The casino might mail it to me. The address is on it!"


I was beside myself with worry. And not just because if I won a big jackpot later (I did not), I couldn't be paid without ID. No, I was worried about all the trouble this was going to be for a replacement. I grabbed what The Pony calls the OH BLEEP handle by A-Cad's door, and shifted myself in the seat, to change the position of my legs.

As I leaned forward, a glimpse of white caught my eye. Down on the left side of my seat, between the seat and the console, was MY DRIVER'S LICENSE!

"LOOK! I've GOT IT! Whew! That's a relief! I guess that noise I thought was one of your player's cards falling down was actually my driver's license! It must have flipped out when we got in at that last casino, when I pulled the money out of my pocket to put back with my bankroll."

Man. That was a close one.


  1. You have an interesting life, so much excitement.

    1. Sometimes I could do without so much excitement. I'm satisfied with a boring life. Hick, not so much.

  2. I have to do a pocket pat-down when ever I change venues. Left front for license and credit cards, left back for wallet, right back for handkerchief, right front for cell phone, left shirt breast pocket for cigarettes. Like a pilot before take off,
    Check, check, check, check, NO...wait, I quit smoking Check...OK for exit.

    1. Wow! You have a system to rival my "stowing away order of found pennies." Shirt pocket, left pants pocket, right pants pocket, right jacket pocket, left jacket pocket. If I find more than FIVE at once, I'm in trouble.

  3. You really should come up with a safer place to keep it. Like one of those zippered small size bags that hang across the body. I have one that I use to put my ID and keys in if I'm taking a walk in clothes that don't have pockets.

    1. My gambling purse is a cross-body, with a couple of zippered compartments, but it's quicker to pull the license out of my shirt pocket. Now that I've had a mishap, I'll most likely reconsider, and carry it in the purse.

      I can get it out when I'm on my way to the player's card desk, and slip it in my pocket. Then return it to the purse after doing my business there.

  4. I know that feeling of sheer unadulterated panic until whatever I've lost suddenly turns up. I lost my reading glasses for months until they suddenly turned up on the floor beneath my recliner. I had dug around in that chair when the glasses went missing but they had never turned up until they somehow worked their way out. What a GREAT feeling of relief though when I find something I thought I'd lost.

    This may be old age trauma.

    1. Yeah! The pounding heart, the desire for a do-over.

      The silver lining to your situation is that you didn't spend MONTHS looking for your reading glasses, only to find them on top of your head.

      The things I lose most often are important papers! I hate it when that happens. After I have deliberately put them in A SAFE PLACE.

    2. I recently wasted several minutes searching for my computer/reading glasses before realising that I was actually wearing them already.

  5. Glad you found it! I have never lost my driver's license, but I do occasionally lose my debit card. I never get too excited about it, it usually turns up in the car or in the laundry. I do enjoy telling HeWho that I can't seem to find it, just to watch him get all worked up and start hunting. Simple pleasures.

    1. You're like a puppeteer pulling his strings! I've lost my debit card. And found it IN MY SHIRT POCKET, when I hung up my town shirt after not wanting to launder it after a 2-hour wearing for a town trip.
