Saturday, February 1, 2020

By the End of February, Val Might Feel CENTimental About Lucky 13

The Truth in Blogging Law requires me to inform you that I found two pennies on SATURDAY, January 25, which was actually LAST WEEK! I know. They were too late to add, since my Saturday CENTSus had already gone to print. Anyhoo...

I had cut across the parking lot of Hick's pharmacy to get to Casey's on Saturday afternoon. The Casey's parking lot was like a three-ring circus at a clown car convention. I drove on by, to pick up some lunch. By the time I was able to get T-Hoe onto the lot, all the cars were gone, except two at the gas pumps. A lady was walking from her car towards the building. I slowed T-Hoe for her. She stopped in the parking space I was headed for! ALL the spaces available along the front, and she stopped THERE, to light up a cigarette! I waited. Didn't rev the engine or anything. She saw me, and got up on the sidewalk and leaned against the building.

"Sorry! I didn't want to run over you. I try to park here so I can walk up that ramp, and not step over the curb."

"Oh, that's okay. I hear you on that!"

Confident in the knowledge that she was a regular person, not a weirdo trying to scam some personal injury insurance money, I headed into the store. And was greeted with a fine How Do You Do by these two floor pennies!

The first was a shiny heads-up 2012, and the second a dull face-down 1980. That's okay. Val loves all her found pennies equally.

THURSDAY, January 30, I sat in T-Hoe texting The Pony about his next-month's finances, and sent him a picture of my shower ladybug. "Cool. Have you found any pennies?"
"No. But I'm always looking!"

Of course I found one when I walked into Orb K.

Of course I immediately sent the picture to The Pony. "I knew you'd find one." He might be a little psychic. PsychIC.

It was a face-down 1995. Shiny.

FRIDAY, January 31, I found a treat waiting for me in the School-Turn Casey's.

No, not the brownie bites. The PENNY! As I took the picture, the clerk said, "Is there something down there?" "Yes. A penny. I collect the ones I find." No need to let her in on my Future Pennyillionaire Fortune. I don't need any competition, and she would have an advantage!

It was a heads-up 1960. Also very shiny for its age.

At my next stop, the Gas Station Chicken Store, I was bestowed another rightful penny.

I was hoping no one else would spot it first. There were five or six people milling around the chicken counter, waiting on their lunch. The GSCS seems like the kind of place other customers would pick up pennies. I didn't wanna rumble.

This time, a face-down 2018. Making it five pennies to report since last time. the end of the first month of 2020, I have accumulated 13 pennies towards my Future Pennyillionaire Fortune. I can break my 2019 record if this rate holds steady for 11 more months. I'm not holding my breath.

2020 Running Total
Penny     # 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
Dime       still at 1.
Nickle     0
Quarter  0

Penny     134
Dime        20
Nickel        8
Quarter      5


  1. If Hick really wanted to do you in like you sometimes claim, he would just leave a trail of pennies with the last one on the slippery edge of a cliff.

    1. Don't give Hick any new ideas!

      He's already fixed (I mean MADE WORK) the ice dispenser in FRIG II's door. So now when I open the freezer door, random ice built up from somewhere falls out. Giving me the opportunity to slip on one I can't find to pick up, and crack my head on the metal frame that holds the cutting block.

  2. The gods of pennies has shown on you!!

  3. I love your writing. I am still at one penny for the year.

    1. Thanks! One penny is better than NO penny! You never know, you might find a random assortment like the 16 I found at once, in the middle of the road down by the mailboxes.

  4. I haven't found a single coin since late last year when I found a five cent piece near the bus stop. I guess people over here are more mindful of their pennies and other small change. Like the old saying says, "Look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves" which mostly refers to saving your pennies not finding them I suppose. And it certainly didn't work in my case.

    1. Luck can swing back your way when you least expect it! Nobody stays in a slump forever. That's what I tell myself during scratcher lulls.

  5. You are amazing, you will be rich any moment now. Thank goodness they got rid of penny slots.

    1. They're still called penny slots. They just run on paper money and paper tickets now! I'm pretty sure the plan was to make you feel like you're not spending real money. Touching one bill or ticket, rather than hundreds of pennies.
