Saturday, November 23, 2019

Is PENNY-Picking Val Getting Filthy Rich?

We have a holdover that was too late for press time last SATURDAY, November 16. It came from my regular supplier, Orb K. I guess there's something to be said for slovenly sweeping habits. At least for a Future Pennyillionaire.

It was there in plain sight, free for the up-picking. Sure, it helped that it blends into the floor color in a camouflagy way. And that people might mistake it for common trash. But it's mine now, by cracky! Were you fooled by that metal ring washer-looking thingy, rather than the penny?

A heads-up 1996 Abe Lincoln. I'm sure he appreciates his new life of luxury atop other fellows just like him in my Penny Goblet #2. It has to be better than lolling around in crumbs of unknown origin, getting trod upon.
FRIDAY, November 22, I made a surprising discovery at Orb K. I'd already been over to the scratcher display to choose my tickets, and went back to the far right line to wait. I can't see the numbers of the scratchers from over there.

Anyhoo, I'd been surveying the floor of questionable hygiene for pennies. No luck. As the clerk was tearing off my tickets, I gave the floor one final look, and there it was!

I'm sure you see it, right? You don't? What kind of a penny-finder ARE you, anyway? Okay. I'll excuse you. I, myself, am distracted now by those red snack bags. What ARE they? I'm guessing maybe some kind of holiday pretzel coated with white chocolate and peppermint, perhaps. Oh. Getting back to my coinage...

It's not always a penny you find when you're looking for a penny. Sorry for being tricky like that. But come on! Even if I said I found a quarter, would you have seen this 2000 heads-up specimen, nestled under the Doritos?

Only two coins this week, but 26 cents!

2019 Running Total
Penny     # 114.
Dime      still at 19.
Nickel    still at 8.
Quarter    # 5.

Penny  131
Dime  17
Nickel  6
Quarter  1

2017 TOTALS (Started in March, 2017)
Penny  78
Dime   6
Nickel  0
Quarter  0


  1. Replies
    1. Lost, like a quarter under a bag of Doritos on a snack shelf in a convenience store.

  2. I saw the shiny ring and knew it wasn't a penny, but didn't know it was a washer, I thought a mark on the floor from something long-standing, like a metal leg would leave a mark in a vinyl floor. I looked really carefully for the second coin and finally saw what I thought might be a coin under the Doritos, so I'm glad I got that one right, but I thought it was a penny. people don't often leave quarters do they?

    1. Not-Heaven, NO! People will show their ample rumpuses all willy-nilly to recover a quarter!

  3. Replies
    1. I'm lucky the customer in front of me didn't have a hankerin' for some Doritos!
