Thursday, July 6, 2023

What Fresh Not-Heaven is This?

Seven hours have passed, and my hands have stopped shaking enough to type. There is no joy in Backroads. Tightly-wound Val has been put-out.

I tell the following story not to portray myself as an angel. I am far from it. But sometimes even an angel's patience can be tried to a breaking point...

Wednesday afternoon, I virtually skipped out of the Gas Station Chicken Store, new scratchers in hand. A man had held the door open for me on the way in, and another had said, "I hope you win, hon," as I made my exit. The day was sunny after a noontime shower. Heat building up again to 90. I climbed into T-Hoe and started writing my two-letter code on the back of my tickets. So I can remember where they came from, and adjust future ticket-buying there, depending on wins/losses.

What could possibly go wrong? It's my daily routine. I had my favorite parking spot, the handicap space at the corner of the building. In front of me was a Honda SUV, reminding me of Genius's CRV, though I didn't note the model. It was parked in the space by the air hose, which is not designated specifically for that purpose.

As I stashed my tickets in my purse, a red pickup truck came by on my right, and pulled cattywompus in front of the Honda to use the air hose. Nothing unusual about that. People do it all the time. There's room to pull in sideways, and the air hose can reach all four tires. Nobody was blocked in. There was room for the Honda to get out around the back of the red truck.

I saw the backup lights come on for the Honda. Figured they were coming back a little before cutting the wheels to drive forward around the back of the red truck. The Honda moved back towards T-Hoe. But no brake lights came on! I HONKED! 


That Honda rammed into T-Hoe's front bumper, giving me a jolt. Then it STOPPED! I mean, really, it wasn't able to come back any farther. But it was put in PARK! Still against T-Hoe. Bumpers kissing. I started T-Hoe to roll back a little. Not far, because I didn't want to block the pump entrance. As I released the pressure, that Honda rolled back farther, in the way a car does after you've put it in PARK on an incline. Just rolled until the transmission or whatever caught it.

I put my window down, and waited for the driver to come back and talk. To see what we were going to do about this incident. But NOBODY GOT OUT. Huh. I climbed down out of T-Hoe, and went to stand by the front bumper. I could not see the damage, because that Honda had rolled back after I stopped. There might have been an inch of space between the bumpers. 

Still no person coming to deal with this mess. I could hear voices, so more than one person was in that Honda. As I started to walk toward the driver's door, a woman's rumpus came out. No head. Just legs and a rumpus, with the trunk and head leaning inside the car. A sound of arguing. The only words I made out were, "SHUT IT!"

This was getting ridiculous.

"Uh... are you going to come back here and deal with this?"

"I am HAVING a conversation." A 45ish woman emerged, not small, with a haircut as bad as mine, wearing round-lensed tinted glasses.

"Well, you need to come figure this out, and save your family reunion for later."


"Well, YOU HIT MY CAR, and need to do something about it."

"I never said I didn't, DID I?"

"Again, YOU are the one who caused this. I was just sitting in my car when you rammed it."

"I was sitting here because I was asleep! I was driving and I had to pull off."

"I don't need to know the reason why you were parked here. What the Not-Heaven, lady! YOU HIT MY CAR!"

"I told you, I was sleeping! My kids said, 'I think that lady needs to use the air hose.' So I backed up."

"I honked, but you hit me anyway."

"I didn't look in my mirror. I was SLEEPING! And my kids told me to back up! Do you think I hit your car on purpose?"

"The fact is, you HIT MY CAR! And instead of coming back to see how we can settle this, you stayed in your car, making ME be the one to come figure it out."

At this point, she was standing near the back of the Honda, and I was standing by the one-inch gap between the bumpers. Her husband, I suppose, got out of the passenger side and walked back to stand across from the one-inch gap on the other side. He was a skinny man in cargo shorts and Crocs, with a graying beard and sideways jaw. They could have been Jack Sprat and Wife.

"Call the police and file a report! It's over!" Not sure which of us Jack Sprat thought he was chastising.

"I don't WANT to call the police! I'm not going to hang around here for hours."

"Well, I WANT to call the police!" Jack Sprat thought that would punish me, I guess.

"I DON'T!"

"I HAVE insurance!"

"So do I. But I can't even see if there's any damage."

"What do you want me to DO, get back in the car and pull forward?"

"Yes! Because I don't have room to back up without blocking the pumps. And I don't see why I should be the one who has to keep getting in and out of my car when YOU hit ME!"

Rammer pulled forward a bit and came back to look. There did not appear to be damage to either vehicle, except for some blue paint in corresponding bumper locations. Not sure what that was about, since the Honda was gray, and T-Hoe is black. Maybe Rammer had hit another vehicle while sleep-driving and following her kids' instructions, and that's where the blue paint came from.

"I don't really see any damage. I don't think we need a police report."

"Okay then. We're all done." Jack Sprat went back towards the front of the Honda.

"Is that all you want from me?"

"Again, lady, YOU are the one who HIT MY CAR. You could have at least walked back and maybe said you were sorry and then looked at the damage. Rather than sitting in your car, making me get out, and then ignoring me while you were arguing with your family."

"I APOLOGIZE! Is THAT good enough??? Do you think I hit you on purpose?"

"I accept your apology. I'm sorry for yelling, but you DID hit my car. It has upset me the way you handled it. My hands are still shaking."

"It wouldn't have happened if I wasn't asleep."

"I don't see any damage, so as far as I'm concerned, it's over. This was not something I wanted to deal with today."

Rammer and Jack Sprat got back into the Honda, and pulled away and looped back past the diesel pumps. Maybe they went to park by the moat. The Red Pickup Air Lady was hanging up her hose. She just shook her head at me. Yeah. That's exactly how I felt. 

You know how Val is not one to figuratively show her rumpus in public. So many years of teaching, having to hold one's tongue, knowing there are ears everywhere just looking for an errant comment to take out of context and use as a weapon to knock Val from her lofty perch atop her high horse. I never make a scene. Rarely even stand up for myself when I have clearly been wronged by clerk or fellow customer.

But this time, I felt entitled to my loud mouth and foul temper...


  1. What was that stupid "word I don't say anymore but rhymes with twitch" doing asleep in the parking lot of a gas station in the first place? Just when you thing the human race can't get any stupider someone like this shows up. I'm glad that neither you nor your car was hurt.

    1. Good thing she was only about 8 feet away from me, or she might have actually done some damage. I was so mad about her lack of responsibility that adrenaline gave me the shakes.

      T-Hoe is no prize, but is a sturdy 2008 SUV. My main concern was HAVING TO DEAL WITH this crap! Hick said I should have made a police report. Nope. Not hanging around with that loony for a couple hours in the heat, with her practically blaming the victim for her carelessness.

  2. I was also wondering why she was sleeping there, surely there were other places more out of the way where she could sleep and were her family also asleep or just sitting and waiting for her to wake up, which is totally irrelevant to the story. I think you were justified in your ranting and I'm glad no damage was done to either car.

    1. She kept bringing that up! I swear she actually said "I was sleeping while I was driving." Very strange that they were sitting in a car with it running, on a 90-degree day, just so she could sleep. The temp in T-Hoe keeps going up while sitting in the sun, like waiting in a drive-thru line.

      Heh, heh! I don't give two fat rats' rumpuses about damage to HER car! But I am glad I don't have to deal with the loss of T-Hoe for repairs.

  3. Sleeping while driving? She admitted that? What a complete idiot! What did she think would happen? Her mate was even worse, why didn't he take the wheel if she was sleepy? And now you mention children, not everyone should procreate, you know! A brand new generation of idiots in the making, they will grow up believing it is okay to doze while driving and if you happen to hit someone, oh, well. I would not have been happy to have my routine upset either, but I would have dug my heels in and called the police and child protective services for the children in the care of a complete idiot! My mother used to say that God took care of idiots and children, but really this woman can move to the front of the line!! Thank goodness you did not suffer any injury. Her "apology" did not sound sincere. I know the bump was not what you were upset about. It was trying to deal with someone that obviously cares nothing about anyone else, nt even the safety of her own family. I am willing to bet she did not have insurance, as she claimed. I am indignant on your behalf!!

    1. She also admitted that she didn't look in her mirror! Just put it in reverse and backed up because her kids told her to! Judging from her presumed age, which looked around 45, those "kids" could have been five, or they could have been 25! I didn't see or hear any kids in the car, but then I was looking at the OUTSIDE of it.

      Her "apology" was most definitely NOT sincere, but I acted like it was, just to be done with it, and possibly annoy her with my presumption! Thanks for your indignation on my behalf!

  4. I don't know what is happening to the human race. I went to the DMV recently and all the chairs were gone. I asked the clerk what happened and she said people were throwing the chairs so they took them out!
    I know what you mean about keeping your mouth closed. I retired from teaching in May. My daughter told me I've been very sassy lately. I told her it's because I've held my sass for 38 years and I'm letting loose!
    Sorry about your incident.

    1. Yes, people these days must be protected from themselves! Somebody would probably sue the DMV for having chairs available for throwing!

      I have reached the stage in my life where I am done being polite just for the sake of my reputation. I may not make a big scene, but I will at least mutter my true feelings about a situation.

  5. I would have called the police. They can only file a report since it was on private property, but that is good enough. I left a place on a guy's bumper that was about a half ince long, but I had to pay for a new bumper for that car! My insurance went a corresponding amount. I was annoyed because I don't think that was right.
    Adrenaline not used gives me the shakes and a headache. I feel like I need to scream or run to get the feeling down.

    1. I was not in a mood to stand there in the heat while she explained all her excuses to the police! If T-Hoe's bumper had been dangling, I would have. But once she finally moved so I could see there was no damage, I didn't see the point. Heh, heh! Maybe I should have grabbed my neck and started moaning.

      I was shaking like Michael J Fox! I wasn't going to scream, and running was out of the question. I was still all hyped-up when I got home.
