Saturday, July 3, 2021

The COINS Cascaded Like Cards in a Solitaire Win

Such a good week for Val's penny-seeking! After a minor heartbreak, Even Steven made things right again by week's end.
SATURDAY, June 26, I found a penny in the Liquor Store. It appeared too late to be catalogued in the proper week, which runs from Sunday - Saturday, no matter what you try to convince me.
Wow. That Liquor Store is looking a little rough! I think they need to hop across the street to Country Mart and rent a carpet cleaner! Still, I was not so distracted by the spilled not-milk that I missed a penny. See it there, under the counter?

Well. So did I. Except I didn't. Imagine my horror when I checked the picture out in T-Hoe, and saw THIS in the close-up I got by sticking my phone down under the counter:

Dang it! That's a freakin' NICKEL! That's what I saw while waiting in line. But as I bent down to pick up my penny, I saw the ACTUAL PENNY that was on the edge of the rug. I couldn't see the nickel lurking there under the edge of the counter. Let the record show that this penny was not nearly as shiny as it looks there. You can barely even see it in the full photo, and only if you know what you're looking for. It was a heads-up 1998 penny. Captured. But a coveted nickel left behind. Who knows, it may still be there when I go back, judging from the state of cleanliness.

SUNDAY, June 27, I hit the trifecta at the Backroads Casey's! When I got out of T-Hoe, I saw a penny under the little truck I'd parked next to.

There it is, in the triangle of sunlight, beside that orange stain. It necessitated retrieval with my extra-long blue padded-handle ice scraper. The noise of it drew attention from a gas pumper, but he smartly minded his own business.

It was a face-down 1987 penny. I happily dropped it in my shirt pocket, put the scraper into the back seat, and turned from closing the door, when I saw:

Thankfully, this one was not under the truck. I got my picture and picked it up.

It was a heads-down 1964 penny, all shiny on the other side where Abe's face had been rubbed against the pavement. I was elated to have TWO pennies in one stop. Then I went inside and almost needed smelling salts!

Most shocking here is that this Casey's has rearranged their merchandise to offer CHIPS on the shelves at the counter, rather than GUM!

This was a face-down 2002 penny, looking like it might have been experimented upon. And also out of focus, because my phone was acting up, having come into the air conditioning after leaving the 90-degree sun. I think a bit of condensation was occurring. 

MONDAY, June 28, I found a fantastic treat in Country Mart. Lucky for me, there was no old man darting out of the customer service area to scoop them up before I could claim them!

Couldn't have been easier to harvest! A side by side nickel and dime! In front of the kid vending machines! So sad that little Johnny or little Susie might have lost their allowance. I have no qualms about stealing abandoned coinage from a baby! It's no worse than helping myself to a coin in the liquor store dropped by a vaping, paraphernalia-shopping wino! All abandoned coins are equal in Val's goblet.

It was the 2016 wild-eyed Thomas Jefferson nickel, and a 2016 FDRoosevelt dime with a faux metal melanoma on his noggin. Oh, the stories they must have shared while jostling all the way home in my shirt pocket.

That makes 6 COINS and 19 CENTS this week towards Val's Future Pennyillionaire Fortune!


Penny       # 62, 63, 64, 65.
Dime         # 5.
Nickel       # 2.
Quarter    still at 3.

Penny     134
Dime        25
Nickel      10
Quarter      1


  1. Replies
    1. Yes! And I found another one just now in town, too late to add. So I won't be shut out NEXT week, anyway.

  2. You are going to have enough to take to the casino soon. They sent an mail announcing players could bring their chnage jars and cash the coins for cash to gamble. Uhm hmmm. Somebody is always trying to get my $.

    1. Hick is actually planning to do that, and he didn't know about the email. I might have one, but I generally don't read them, because it's usually the same info in the mailer.

      They might change their policy if Hick brings in his giant plastic Coke bottle bank full of pennies! He actually considered it, but a trolley would be needed, since it's so heavy.

  3. The Country Mart floor is a pleasure to look at after that disgusting mat in Liquor Store.
    Congratulations on all the coins.

    1. Thanks! Country Mart may try to sell expired foods off the shelves, but their store is always CLEAN!
