Sunday, July 25, 2021

Orange Juice and Lettuce, an Arm and a Leg

Apparently Hick has been texting The Pony while on his trip out west. One message was:

"Don't order orange juice at the casino. It costs $6."

I'm guessing Hick meant at a restaurant in a casino where he stayed in their hotel. He's not one to go gambling in the morning, and not one to order orange juice at night. I couldn't wait for him to get home. Oh, all the little digs and jokes I could make about the $6 orange juice!

But then... I went to Country Mart on Friday. Not for orange juice. I was in the produce section, though. I wasn't feeling well that day, and was in a hurry to grab my few items and get back home. I picked up rolls for The Pony, and bandaids for his scrapes, and a bag of shredded lettuce. I have the makings for some nachos, and needed lettuce. 

At the register, the checker said she made a mistake.

"I rang your lettuce twice. I can't take it off. We'll have to wait until she comes back from the bathroom."

I suppose she meant the gal in charge, with a card to override something in the register. I was not feeling well. Did I mention that? A sinus headache, and woozy dizzy spinning sensation when I turned my head wrong. 

"Never mind. I'll just pay. And hold a grudge every time I come in here! Really. I don't want to wait. I'll just pay it."

How much could some shredded lettuce cost, anyway? I don't always look at prices if it's something on my list, without other choices to compare. I figure it was probably $1.99 or thereabouts. 

Imagine my surprise when I got back to T-Hoe, and saw that my bag of shredded lettuce was $3.99! So I had actually paid $7.98 PLUS TAX for one bag of lettuce!

We won't be talking about the $6 orange juice...


  1. Damn, you should at least have asked for a discounted price on a scratcher for the dbl accidental charge.

    I wouldn't pat $6 for orange juice unless it had vodka in it.

    1. I'm pretty sure the Missouri Gaming Commission would frown upon that. Almost as much as for a "Humpty-Dumpty with a melon head" employee who would have sex on his desk with the cleaning lady...

      Well, you might pay $6 for orange juice that you THOUGHT had vodka in it. Let's not forget that whole Dirty-Water Cocktail scandal.

    2. In Jersey we call it a "Placebo High"

    3. It allows you to keep your original liver, I guess.

  2. a better solution would be to send a grocery helper to get another bag of lettuce since it was already scanned. I'm sure you could use it up somehow. $6 for a glass of orange juice is ridiculous, you could buy a 2 litre bottle for about that much.

    1. A better solution for someone who was feeling her best, and a bit salty over the scanning error. But not for Val on that day. If I felt well enough to wait for a helper to be found to run after a second bag of lettuce, then I would have waited for the boss to come override the register for my $3.99.

      I guess that's why Hick gave his orange juice advice!

  3. And what the OJ drinker doesn't know won't hurt him.

    1. Nope. And I actually served him some of my $7.98 (plus tax!) lettuce Sunday night, in some pulled pork nachos!
