Saturday, December 21, 2019

This Week, It's PENNY/Slots for Val

After such a pennypalooza last week, Val was searching herself centsless this week. Nothing. I had pretty much resigned myself to a shutout when Hick and I hopped in A-Cad WEDNESDAY, December 18, to go meet The Pony on his trip home for the holidays. We decided to break up the drive, and stay overnight in free rooms at Downstream Casino, near Joplin, but technically in Oklahoma. It was a 5 hour drive for us, and 4 for The Pony. Approximately.

After having lunch at the casino, and checking into our rooms, we ventured out for play at three nearby casinos. At our very first stop, Hick was rarin' to go. There he is, headed for the door of Outpost Casino, headless by the luck of my picture-taking skills.

You might notice the reason I took the picture, there on the yellow parking space line. Yes, I had to go all the way to Oklahoma to find a penny this week! Tecnically, The Pony saw it first, since he is younger and faster and has my insurance (that's a line from a movie, with a small change). Heh, heh. In my weekly post about pennies, I said CHANGE!

Anyhoo...I would have stepped right over it, so I'm sure I'd have seen it myself without The Pony's help. What are the odds of THAT? Drive all the way across the state, have Hick circling the lot before deciding on this specific parking space, and then find a penny directly in the line you'll walk to get to the front door of the casino.

It was a face-down 2016. All shiny, awaiting a warm comfy evening in my shirt pocket.

Okay. Here's where it gets weird. We spent the night gambling. The Pony went to bed as soon as we got back to Downstream around 10:00. Hick lasted another hour. I hung out until 1:00 a.m. I'm a night owl. And a gambler! So Hick was asleep when I got back. I didn't talk to him until the next morning.

"I found a penny in my SHOE last night!" Hick is not the seasoned penny-finder that Val is. Such a discovery was a big deal to him.

"Huh. Somebody must have been thinking about you," I said with my mouth, while my brain seethed with jealousy.

"What I want to know is, how did it get in my SHOE? It wasn't in there when I put it on."

"That's a mystery, I guess."

"Maybe I have a hole in my pants pocket."

We finished getting ready, and The Pony came through our adjoining door. He sat on the end of the bed. As I turned from my laptop on the desk, to talk to him, something caught my eye.

"There's a DIME on the floor! I see it shining."

I went over to see. Yep. A dime. I did not take a picture, because I figured it must belong to Hick. Maybe he had a hole in his pocket. Even though he swore he didn't. And according to The Pony, most people's shoes fit tighter around the ankle rather than loose enough for a penny to fall in. Hick picked up the dime.

After breakfast (another story in itself, coming in future days) we came back up to the rooms to gather our stuff and check out (also another story in itself). Hick went in first, then The Pony, then slow old Val.

"Hey! What's THAT? It's a NICKEL!" The Pony is getting good at coin-finding.

Indeed. On the floor, just past where the dime had been, was a nickel. Again, I did not feel like it was meant for me. Probably for Hick, or maybe the discoverer, The Pony.

Did I mention that Hick's birthday was Wednesday?

2019 Running Total
Penny     # 127.
Dime      still at 20.
Nickel    still at 8.
Quarter   still at 5.

Penny  131
Dime  17
Nickel  6
Quarter  1

2017 TOTALS (Started in March, 2017)
Penny  78
Dime   6
Nickel  0
Quarter  0


  1. You might have found even more money if you got to Oklahoma a little sooner.

    1. Maybe. Or if we'd stayed longer. WAIT A MINUTE! I see what you did there! Boomer Sooner!

  2. Did Hick notice he was headed into a puddle of spilled milk? Did he sweave away from it or just puddle on through?

    1. I see what YOU did there, too. I doubt Hick even noticed. He probably swove left, just randomly, and avoided it. I guarantee you that Hick wasn't crying over spilled milk.
