Wednesday, October 12, 2016

That's What Val Calls "Draining the Main Drive Train"

Another attraction to my weirdo magnet from Sunday:

Let the record show that this was a reverse attraction. Which is not to say that it was a repulsion, though I did have a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach upon further introspection.

This truck was already sitting on the parking lot of the gas station chicken store when I pulled in to procure my daily 44 oz Diet Coke. All I noticed at first was that my favorite parking space, on the end nearest to the building, was open. I parked and climbed out of T-Hoe, and noticed something odd about this truck parked two spaces away.

Was this truck urinating?

What is with the container sitting underneath, with clear yellow liquid draining into it? And what about that gallon jug next to it? Did somebody need a specimen? Was the truck headed to the doctor for tests? Did somebody pick up that tub and pour the truck-pee into the gallon jug? Or was the jug the first receptacle? Did someone hold that jug for the truck to relieve itself into?

I went on inside, because first things first, right? You gotta get your 44 oz Diet Coke before you ponder the mysteries of the universe. When I came back out, I knew I had to get a picture. I grabbed my phone and hurriedly snapped this shot. I was afraid I might hear the REE REE REE stabby music from Psycho as somebody sat up from the club cab seat and give me the stinkeye. Or that a customer might run out of the store and demand to know why I was taking a picture of his truck. So I only have this one, spur-of-the-moment photo to prove that I'm not making this up.

I don't know what the deal was here, but apparently this weirdo's contraption had a stronger pull than my own magnet, and brought ME to IT.

WITNH (What In The Not-Heaven) was going on here?

Any motorheads out there know what this it? Because this dweebie is clueless. Maybe the secretary in Ferris Bueller's principal's office would know...


  1. Yellow liquid? Hmm, I was thinking perhaps embalming fluid from the dead body in the bed of the truck.

    1. Ooh! I think my mom warned me about women like you, like those "Sisters in Crime" writers who went out and committed murders so they could write about them. That's what my mom said, anyway. She knew it was true, because she read about it in the paper.

  2. Looks like the truck is leaking gas from a blown sprocket valve under the fornistat converter. The driver is probably just collecting the gas leak while he is in the store to purchase some chewing gum to use as a temporary fix...that or he is pissing through a hole in the back seat.

    1. I knew a motorhead would help!

      The next day, the truck was gone, and there was a pile of kitty litter on that spot.

  3. Replies
    1. Maybe he was going to sell that urine to a woman with a poppy-seed bagel habit who needed to pass a drug screening without appearing menopausal...

  4. Yup, the urinator it is though what the gallon jug is for is beyond me.

    1. If the purpose is to share the urine between two people, one of them is going to get cheated, because there's not as much in the gallon jug.
