Friday, June 21, 2024

Pretending To Know

On our ride to meet Genius for lunch on Wednesday, I passed the time chatting with Hick. Not so simple as you might think, since he has the radio turned up loud, and responds in mumbles while his face it turned away, gawking out his window. Even asking him to turn down the radio gets "I DID turn it down! It's down!"

Oh, well. I have a hand to reach out for that knob, even though Hick refuses to lessen the volume by clicking on A-Cad's steering wheel controller lever. Then began the attempt to entertain ourselves.

"I saw a cute thing on the unofficial post office REDDIT that Pony and I read. It was a picture, with a long line of LLVs [Long Life Vehicles], showing their front ends. The closest one had its serial number where you could read it. The guy who put it on there said to comment when you figured it out. This will be easy for you, since I'm saying it out loud, rather than you reading it. That number was 8675309."


"Do you get it?"


"Then explain it."

"It's like the TV show."


"That TV show. You know. About the radio station in Cincinnati."

"WHAT? You mean WKRP in Cincinnati?"

"Yeah. That one."

"That's LETTERS! Not NUMBERS! How in the world did you get THAT?"

"Oh. That's not it?"

Anyhoo... we got to lunch. While waiting for the food to arrive, I told Genius about it.

"Oh! It's that song!"

"Yeah. Which song?"

"I don't remember the exact words. It was before my time. I think in the 90s. But I know the song it's about."

I took Genius's word for it. Later, on the way home, I called The Pony, to confirm the time he and The Veteran were taking Hick out for a belated Father's Day supper.

"Hey, did you see that picture of the LLVs on REDDIT? With the serial number on the first one?"

"No. I was too busy to get on there. What is it?"


"OH!" The Pony started singing the song, with the right melody. Even though he was born after Genius, so it was even more before his time.

Heh, heh. Who would have thought that The Pony would come up with the right answer instead of Hick and Genius.

That song was 867-5309/Jenny. From 1981.

For the record, The Pony also advised me that such a serial number meant that LLV was one of the newer models...


  1. I'm embarrassed to say but I don't remember ever hearing that song:) I had no idea what those numbers meant.

    1. But you knew better than to PRETEND you remember, and claim the numbers represent "WKRP in Cincinnati!"

  2. I remember that song, the tune and some of the words and I am older than all of them.

    1. I suppose that's why you remember that song. They were not even born yet.

  3. I have no memory of that song, but I was born in 1951 in a rural farm. WBBA was the radio station and their music selections were usually country. The tv had 4 stations. Who is this Genius?

    1. I remember it from the radio, but I didn't listen to country back then. Just a regular pop station. Genius is my oldest son, who lives in Pittsburgh and has a job programming driverless cars. I've only written about him here for the past 12 years.

  4. I did remember immediately what those numbers were from and now I still have an ear worm from it. Ranee (MN)

    1. Sorry about the earworm! I don't know if that picture was an actual serial number, or if the number had been photoshopped, but I thought it was clever. I DO know that all the LLVs have such serial numbers on them. I usually notice them on the back, not the front.
