Sunday, April 30, 2023

Even a Do-Gooder Has to Draw the Line Somewhere

Hick came home from his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) with a story on Saturday.

"An Amish family came in today. They had two of the cutest little girls I've ever seen. Wearing their bonnets, with freckles on their nose. They looked like they could have been twins. I asked them if they were, but they didn't answer me. They just grinned. I guess maybe they're not supposed to talk to people? The little boy was about 10, and he talked."

"They have probably been taught not to talk to strangers!"

"But their parents were right there beside them."

"Maybe they're just shy. They're probably not out around a lot of people they don't know. What were they loolking for in your store?"

"The dad took a BB gun off the wall, and asked what was the lowest price I'd take for it. I have $20 in it. I told him $15. He put it back."

"Well. You can't just GIVE things away..."


That's not a bad price for a BB gun. But people have to consider their budget these days. Also, you don't want to offend anybody by seeming to offer them charity. I know it bothered Hick that the little boy couldn't have the BB gun. Otherwise, he wouldn't have mentioned it.


  1. Always sad when a parent can not afford a treat for their children, but that parent is wise to stay within budget. Those children may have many benefits from living an older fashioned life.

    1. I hope they found a BB gun within their budget. Or maybe they'll come back when their budget changes.

      My kids were always begging for stuff in Walmart when they were young. We started giving them an allowance, and they learned to save for what they wanted, or pool their money and share. The begging stopped, because the decision became theirs. They decided what they REALLY wanted.

  2. In your gun crazy country I'm happy the boy didn't get the gun. Of course The Amish might be people who hunt for food and guns are necessary unless they have other means such as trapping.

    1. I guess your happiness can double when he turns 16 and doesn't get a car to use for running over people...
