Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Even Steven Restores My Faith In... Even Steven

Saturday, we finished our breakfast and headed into the casino. Right inside the turnstile, as we were formulating our plan, a slot machine caught my eye.

"Look! Down there, the Buffalo Gold."

"I like the Buffalo slots," said Genius. "We can all play. I'm going to get a coffee. You guys go on and I'll meet your there."

On the way, I was sidetracked by a Wonder 4 Tower at the kiosk before the Buffalos. I sat down at it, and Friend sat down to my left. Nobody was at the Buffalo. We didn't feel obligated to save it. Genius came along with his coffee, and sat down at the exact Buffalo Gold slot that had caught my attention. He probably didn't spin three times before we heard the bonus sound!

"Huh. Looks like there was a reason I noticed that Buffalo Gold!"

I kept playing my Wonder 4 Tower, but Friend got up and went to watch Genius's bonus. He got 72 free games! And 13 buffalo heads! It took a while, but I think Genius ended up with about $280 on his bonus, at a 60 cent bet. 

We moved on, playing Buffalo Revolution, where Genius and I both got modest bonuses, and Friend finally got ONE. We sent Genius to scout out a dragon machine along the wall, but people dared to take up seats so we couldn't play together. I wandered back there, and by accident found The Pony's favorite slot!!!

The Pony was working, and couldn't be with us, but I sent him a picture. He loves the Brazil Gold game. Of course he was excited. [FYI, this is the kind of machine where I won my $8,600 jackpot on Buffalo Gold.]

"You HAVE to take me there sometime!"

The Pony has never been to River City, being first of all not old enough, and then River City fell out of favor with Hick and me during Stay-At-Home-Down. So it will be Pony's first trip there when he gets a day off that's not a Friday. Hick will not give up his Storage Unit Store business!

I had given Genius and Friend some gambling money, and they had their own as well. They pooled their money (heh, heh, BEFORE we started playing and Genius hit that bonus) for the two hours we played. Genius did quite well. Friend, not so much. In the end, they were $4 under what they started with! I count that as a win! They had their money back, and got to keep what I had given them.

Hick and I did NOT combine our money! He lost what he took to gamble, plus what I had given him. I lost half my casino bankroll that I took in. So it was not a profitable day for Thevictorians.

Back home, Hick was in a hurry to go to town for some kind of business transaction. He let me out of A-Cad behind the garage. I normally set my gambling purse on the dash as I climb out, but this time, in the name of time, I had it around my neck. Jack came to greet me as I was getting out of A-Cad. He normally behaves himself once yelled at, but this time he persisted in jumping up with his stubby legs and digging claws on my own legs. One being the hole-y leg from our last CasinoPalooza. I have to be careful getting out, or I bang that spot on the edge of A-Cad.

"Jack! No! Get down! Bad dog!"

Little Jack, so glad to see me, persisted in trying to get closer to me. I leaned over to push him away, then slid out. As I turned to close the door, BEING CAREFUL THAT MY LEG WAS NOT IN THE WAY, I saw my cell phone on the pavement. It had flipped out of the side pocket on my purse as I leaned over. Of course it landed on the gravel that is scattered on the concrete carport. The bottom half of the screen was SHATTERED! It still worked... but I risk slicing a finger artery every time I swipe at it.

Anyhoo... I'd been having quite a problematic few days. Power off for 21 hours starting Thursday afternoon, throwing away all of FRIG II's perishables on Friday, losing half my casino bankroll on Saturday, plus breaking my cell phone. 
On Sunday, we planned to go get me a phone as soon as Hick got home from his Storage Unit Store. I just wasn't feeling it. I sent him a text around 1:00.

"Stay as long as you want. I can wait until Tuesday to get a phone."

"No problem!"

Hick got home around 3:30. I chatted a few minutes before leaving for town. I wanted some scratchers to drown my sorrows. Since the Liquor Store had room to park where I wanted, I stopped there first. I guess I was meant to be there at that time:

I told you I've been enjoying those $3 tickets. This one won me $500! Good thing I didn't go looking for a phone that afternoon! I would have missed out on this winner.

Oh, between my casino bankroll loss, and the price of the phone I had picked out online... this comes within $20 of those expenditures.

Good Old Even Steven.


  1. Wow!! At least you didn't suffer injury! Did your phone have a protective case on it? Mine does and I drop mine at least once a day! I have dropped it on concrete, had it o sliding across a parking lot, usually hits my foot first. The protective screen has a crack, but the phone has never suffered a severe injury!

    1. I have never had need for a protective case. Until I DID! I've never broken a phone before. The worst was the one that fell out of my shirt pocket and into the toilet. A case would not have helped!

      I WILL get a case when I get my new phone. Right now there are none in stock, and I'm too stupid to order one online. I would get the wrong kind, for the wrong carrier, locked, and useless to me. Genius himself said he has not looked at androids for YEARS. So he can't help.

      I've dropped my phone on tile and concrete, no problem. This time it landed on its face, from a height of two feet, onto those gravel particles. I'm pretty sure there are people who test these phones, and design them for maximum fragility!

  2. That should pay for a new phone and perhaps a protective cover too. And maybe you could keep it within the body of your purse where it won't so easily fall out? Was Jack a puppy when you got him? I'm wondering why he isn't trained to not jump at people.

    1. I will definitely get a cover this time! And probably put it INSIDE my gambling purse when getting out of A-Cad. If I'd just kept my regular routine of laying the purse on the dash, then picking it up once out, it would have been fine.

      Yes, Jack was a very young pup when we got him from HOS (Hick's Oldest Son). I wouldn't say Jack is "trained," but he's smart, and 95% of the time will NOT jump if you say, "NO!" Hick and I had just been talking about how well he minds, and then he didn't!

      I think part of the excitement was because the dogs get anxious when we both leave in A-Cad, because that's what we took on the three-day trips to visit The Pony at college in Oklahoma. They were thrilled we were back the same day.
