Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Over the BARn Land in the Field

Last week, I heard the dogs going crazy over in the BARn field. I looked out, but didn't see the dogs, or anything amiss. I did notice a red Gator-like vehicle driving up the gravel road. Then down the gravel road. It made several trips. I figured it was somebody's guest, visiting during the summer, out joyriding. The dogs weren't chasing is. They're pretty good about that. They weren't even standing at the edge of the yard barking, as is their method of protecting their territory.

As I pulled out of the driveway in my quest for a 44 oz Diet Coke, I saw that red Gator-like vehicle parked at the side of the road, across from the BARn field. It was behind a big blue tractor. A guy was fiddling around with the tractor's entrails. I didn't recognize him. I could see that he'd been blading the gravel on the road. I figured he was having issues with the tractor, and went my merry way. It's not like I'm some kind of gearhead who could fix his tractor.

When I came home, the red Gator-like vehicle was gone, along with the guy, but the blue tractor remained. I made sure to look down into the BARn field to see if Hick's blue tractor was parked there as usual. It was.

The next day, as I left for town, I saw that guy in the neighbor's field, riding that blue tractor, apparently baling hay. He reminded me of Hick, but with black hair. Or should I just say, hair. He was bumping along on that blue tractor, shirtless, sweating like a woman practicing the world's oldest profession, in a place of worship. This is the field across from the BARn field, where the neighbors sold all their rocks to that guy who offered Hick $20,000 for ours. The ones Hick is keeping as our retirement nest egg.

Anyhoo... Monday I got a picture of the baled hay. Like Ed Sheeran singing about his first kiss in "Castle on the Hill," I don't reckon this hay-baler guy did it right, either.

Hick said the guy's baler was messed up. That it was tying one string tighter than the other one. That's what made some of the bales all humped-up. Because Hick knows stuff like that. He's a born machine trouble-shooter. He also knew something else.

"That guy with the blue tractor, baling, is the lawyer who's doing our trust for Hick House."

Well. I hope he's better at lawyering than he is at baling.


  1. Ah, Missouri. A hay-baling trust attorney.

    1. Every now and then, we need a break from sitting on the porch, whittling corncob pipes, swigging from a jug of moonshine.

  2. If he lawyers like he bales you might want to read the fine print o every document you get from him. And all the other print too of course.

    1. Hick did that, and objected to one word: shall. He wanted it changed to "can." As in "can not" instead of "shall not." I told him they mean the same, and "shall" was just fancy lawyer talk. He's still going to ask if it can be changed.

  3. Make sure he ties up loose ends on the house trust. At first I thought there were some scamps in back woods.

    1. I'm all about the bait-and-switch titles. There may indeed be scamps about, but they have not affected us. Yet.

      We're expecting the final Hick House paperwork on Friday. More on the process will be revealed Thursday.

  4. Those bales will be night to impossible to pick up in one piece. Amatuers.

    1. These are actually not the worst ones! Just the most I could fit in one picture.

  5. If you only lived closer, we could meet daily to commiserate about our mates and their extensive knowledge. Someone suggested to me that my campground should be a reality show. How funny would the episode about the lawnmower shooting that screw into my leg be? I have a new tenant, a young woman who expressed an interest in working part of her rent off. HeWho has been cleaning the satellite shower house was excited about having someone else do his chore. I was dubious, as I have not been able to find anyone under the age of 50 to be a reliable worker. Her work is sub-standard (my standard) and has to be checked and then she has to be coached. I am far too old to be patient enough for this. "You can call me Sunshine" is not long for my world. When she is not at work (McDonald's) her attire is a bikini and for whatever reason she also wears an float ring around her midriff. She blatantly flirts with HeWho and any other man in his company. None of them seem to be aware that they are being flirted with. I am not her mother, but I will have to enlighten Sunshine about proper attire when not swimming. The sad part is that she and I probably wear the same size and that body should NEVER be in a bikini! A reality show here would rival Honey Boo Boo!

    1. Yes, it would be great to meet daily for coffee (not me!) or 44 oz Diet Coke. I think your SCREW episode would be saved for sweeps in May or November or whichever month the viewership is tallied.

      At least SUNSHINE is working! Perhaps also working a side job, what with the flirting! I am cracking up about the float ring. Maybe she uses it like vertical stripes, to flatter her physique.

    2. No, it actually emphasizes her belly flap that jiggles when she walks …. and not in a good way.

    3. Well, that is unfortunate, what with all the other characteristics she has going for her...
