Saturday, June 15, 2019

It Makes CENTS, I Guess, for Me Unloading On a Helper

Unless I find some coinage while on CasinoPalooza 5, I've been SHUT OUT for the second consecutive week in my quest to become a Future Pennyillionaire!

No wonder Even Steven is withholding my pennies. I'm still feeling like a Scrooge from that incident last week when my former student materialized out of hot parking lot air to start lifting my Walmart groceries into T-Hoe's rear. I'd spoken to him on the way in, and nodded at him on the way out. Nothing to indicate that he should change his course and, completely unsolicited, start manhandling my purchases!

I'm funny like that. I don't like people touching my groceries. What I buy is none of their beeswax. It's personal. I'm not ashamed of eating deli fried chicken, and drinking bottled Diet Coke. There was nothing awkward in the cart, like feminine hygiene products, or Depends. I'm just an old Val, set in her ways, who even gets annoyed when Hick tries to "help" me.

I have a place for everything, and put everything in its place. The soda goes near the bumper, on the far right side. Heavy things like cans and jars next to them, to keep the bottles from tipping. Paper towels and TP and trash bags and Puffs Plus Lotion (3-pack) go behind the soda. Cold stuff, that won't fit in my soft-side Cardinals zip-top cooler on the far left side, go next to the cooler. Then I drape my purple winter coat over them. Bread and chips go on top of the coat. I didn't buy all these things on this day, but I DO have a system!

At least Student could have ASKED me if I wanted help. I would have politely declined. But he'd already picked up two bags, and I didn't even know what was in them! He'd set them on top of my winter coat!

I tried to be civil. As polite as when I was in the classroom, and it was required of me. I told him thanks, but I was kind of particular about my stuff. So he said, “Well, tell me where you want it.”

Well, I didn't even remember what was in those bags. That's okay. I opened the tops of a couple other bags, and told him where to set one. I took the other, holding my deli fried chicken, and carried it to the passenger seat behind T-Hoe. In my discombobulation, I forgot to take it out of the plastic bag to breathe. So my supper chicken was soggy!

I let Student put the bags in the back, and as soon as I thanked him and got rid of him, I completely rearranged everything. Good thing I'm not still teaching. By first bell the next day, every student in the school would have known what I bought. Which means that we would have had to discuss it in every class. They are masters at going off-topic.

2019 Running Total
Penny   still at 68.
Dime   still at 8.
Nickel  still at 7.
Quarter  still at 1.

Penny  131
Dime  17
Nickel  6
Quarter  1

2017 TOTALS (Started in March, 2017)
Penny  78
Dime   6
Nickel  0
Quarter  0


  1. I wonder if the former student saw you, calculated how many years since he's been in school, figured out you were now "old" and probably needed help. I do think he should have asked before just picking up your bags though. A simple "would you like some help with those?" would make him feel good while giving you the chance to say no.

    1. While I admit to being OLD, I think he was just bored pushing carts, and wanted a little interaction. You know, like the good old days when he'd do something in class for attention, and I'd put the kibosh on that with some humorous chastisement. The stinkeye didn't work with this guy.

  2. I think you might be the reason my eldest became an attorney after two summers of bagging groceries. Just saying....:)

    1. I am always happy to be of help in furthering people's careers. I'm a giver like that. Now your eldest can help innocent shoppers who feel the need to file a frivolous lawsuit against unsolicited grocery-touchers.

  3. Mrs. C is the same kind of packer, she would not let someone else do it...I help, but I only follow her packing instructions.

    1. Hick always does it wrong (I know that comes as quite a surprise) on the two or three trips a year he accompanies me to Walmart. He definitely cannot be trusted to take a list (perfectly readable) and do the shopping by himself.

  4. Like you, I have a system. I do not want help until I am home to unload. Everytime I stopped on my trip I searched for loose change on the ground, but I came up empty. I only had to get gas twice, once going and once coming back. All the rest were stops to get coffee and stops to give the coffee back.

    1. I had a 13 day streak of NO COINS! That was actively looking every day. I think it might have been my longest drought.
