Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Hick House Makeover: Bedroom 2

The second upstairs bedroom of Hick House was in pretty bad shape when Hick took pictures on the first walk-through, back on February 25.

We called it the Fleetwood Mac bedroom, because of the poster on the wall. It's on the uphill side of Hick House. The window faces out on the neighbor's house up the street. That door goes out into the sunroom.

Here's another view of the same wall. Door going into the sunroom. This room will belong to HOSS (Hick's Oldest Son's Son), who is ten. I'm sure that thought horrifies and repulses you, but look what that room has turned into:

Scraped down to the bare wood, with a little white trim... it's kind of appealing. This is the back window, that looks out onto the back yard. It gets the afternoon light.

Here's the door going into the sunroom. HOS tore out part of the wall where the closet was, to make more room for the bed frame he's building in. The gas heater isn't staying there, it will be moved, probably downstairs, for use if the power goes out.

That's a little closer view of the bed-in-progress, something that doesn't have to be done to pass inspection. And the re-purposed baby wipes container that holds the screws. This shows a little more detail, without the window glare darkening the picture.

The door leading into the other bedroom now sports a Captain America shield, thanks to the hand of Mrs. HOS (and perhaps young HOSS as well). At first I thought it was a bit sloppy, but then I figured it's an artistic statement. I kind of like it. This might just be my favorite room of the house. I'm a woody kind of gal. It reminds me of a ship. Not that I've ever been inside a wooden ship.

Hick says that painting the ceiling white would brighten up the room. I'm not sure I'd want it white, but it's not my house, and not my room.

Tomorrow: the master bedroom.


  1. He's probably right, but I'd be inclined to leave it alone for a bit anyway. Very nice job!

    1. When the gloomy days of winter arrive, it might be time to try the white ceiling. Who knew such charm was lurking under the ratty wallpaper and Fleetwood Mac poster? Not this old Val!

  2. white might be nice on that ceiling, but also maybe not. like the look of that new light fitting, can we get a closer look at that? Not if it will be too much trouble. I'm not keen on the Captain America shield, but it is a boy's room. I think it might have been better painted on a flat board then hung on the door.
    When my boys were young and shared a room, one wall had a really large circular logo of the footy team they followed, painted on the wall by oldest daughter.

    1. I'll have to ask Hick about the light fitting. I don't think he can get a better picture, because he has no plans to return to Hick House now that his job is done. Oops! Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself...

      I like the Captain America shield way better than what has since appeared on the wall of the purple bedroom. I won't even show a picture of that. Even HOS propped the roll of carpet in front of it for the inspector's visit.

    2. Hick said the light came from Goodwill. He thinks it's an octagon shape. It cost between $3-$10.

  3. Is this some kind of wood siding or lath and plaster strips, it is hard to tell? But for a 10 year old boy perfect.

    1. I'm pretty sure it's lath strips, since it was under the wallpaper, and the house was built around the early 1900s. This renovation was bare-bones. Hick and HOS used everything they could that was already in place. Sanding and scrubbing can do wonders.

  4. Cleaning will do wonders and now I am curious about what is on the purple bedroom wall.

    1. Well, aside from an alien flipping the bird, which was bad enough... there's now a quote using the F word, and some illegal pharmaceutical nonsense. I don't mind kids decorating their rooms, but that is not something that would have been allowed from Genius or The Pony. I keep telling myself, "It's not my house."

    2. Paint will cover a multitude of sins in the future.
