Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Val Has Connections

All this time, you thought Val was just a bump on a log out here in Backroads. And not a very attractive one, either, judging from the photo on her recent driver's license. A bump on a log that used to be a world-class ugly tree. Or maybe you pictured her as a little fish in a little pond. Swimming round and round, never going anywhere, bemoaning the fact that all the other fishies were

I'm here to set the record straight. Val has connections. We're not talking about the guy at Voice of the Village convenience store who gives her a free 44 oz. Diet Coke every now and then. Nor about the students who call her name as she walks through the school cafeteria, fancying herself some teetotaling Norm in a nonalcoholic neighborhood bar. Nope.

Val knows somebody who's going to be on television! Not a local cable-access channel, on a Community Happenings show run by middle school students. Nor a hapless citizen with a mullet and no home, having a microphone shoved into his face after his trailer whirled away in a tornado. Nope.

Good Morning America, baby! Thursday. That's tomorrow as I write this. My old blog buddy, who knew me under my old alias, back when I was still wet under the waistboobs, IS GOING TO BE ON GOOD MORNING AMERICA! All because of her blog. She coined that term, you know. Waistboobs. The stretchy breasts of old ladies. We won't go into why she had a need to create that word. All I can say is: better her than me.

Back in the day, we were thick as thieves. Well. We were thick. Okay. I was thick. And maybe I still am. Is that so wrong?  She's from Mississippi. Every time I read an article about the fattest state or the state with the highest teen birth rate, I sent her a link. I know she truly appreciated my consideration. I know, because she would reply with news of some guy shooting his wife through the wall of the house while trying to start nail holes to mount a big-screen TV. Can't remember if it was a nail gun or a regular gun. That's one detail we don't really dwell on in these parts. Before, or after. Oh, and she always inquired as to whether we here in Missouri still held our title of Meth Capitol of the United States. And most often, I could reply that we did.

Here she is, letting it all hang out, at Mommy Needs a Xanax. Catchy title, huh? So wrong, yet so right. Maybe you could drop in and leave her a little comment. Don't cost nothin'. She's been busy lately, what with raising two boys and all. Her impending famewhoredom came as a complete surprise.

Apparently, national TV exposure is what happens when you're raising kids. Sheryl Crow might need to update that song of hers.


  1. It was a regular gun. Not meth-related, surprisingly. :)

  2. And to think that MY only claim to fame is that I know YOU! Sort of....

  3. Waistboobs are highly underappreciated. They make your outfits oh so versatile. For example if your sweatpants have lost their elasticity, your waistboobs can take up the slack, ensuring your pants don't slip to the ground.

    Only those without them sneer at them...

  4. Needy, you'll be telling me that your whole state went on a diet, and adolescents stopped procreating. You don't have to sugar-coat it. The meth cat has done left the bag.

    Methinks you have been exposed to my ego too often. Perhaps your upcoming trip to India will reset your self-esteem compass.

    Let me fill you in on the sweatpants culture, Madam. If you have slack in your sweatpants, you are not the type of person who should be wearing sweatpants.

    I will, however, respect your status as official spokeswoman for the waistboob contingent.

  5. I wouldn't be hee-hawing about your bud too much, because I'm turning you and Hick and Genius and Pony in to the producer. You're up next on morning TV.
    Seriously, this is really cool. I'll be watching.

  6. Linda,
    Um...perhaps you didn't get the subtle nuance (so seldom seen here at the Cat House) that my pitch for the sitcom of my life was just a creative writing exercise. Not a real show, you see.

    My bud will be appearing on MONDAY instead of today. Set your DVR. Or enlist a shut-in to watch it for you.

  7. Wow, that's exciting. I will have to watch Good Morning America rather than the Today Show. I winder what impact this will have on my morning routine?

  8. Kathy,
    My mom decided that GMA must have better ratings than the Today Show, because she liked it better once I forced her to watch two hours. She's in for another treat on Monday.

  9. Well...they gave me another air date today. Now they're saying Monday the 18th. I asked the producer if it might just get scrapped and she said no, just a matter of timing. I'll keep you posted.

  10. MommyX,
    I'll remind everybody as we get closer to Monday the 18th.
