Monday, July 8, 2024

The Universe Continues to Mess With The Pony

Forget those "Messin' With Sasquatch" commercials for Jack Links Beef Jerky. The Universe is messing with The Pony! It's safer than messin' with Sasquatch.

After a hot day of work on Saturday, The Pony ordered Steak 'n' Shake for supper, via DoorDash. Here's what he received:

Imagine the disappointment! Going all day without taking a lunch break, anticipating a tasty burger and fries from Steak 'n' Shake for your supper, and only getting a soda and shake! The Pony responded with a picture of his lacking order, and was given a full refund. 

Still, that didn't make up for not having supper! The Pony made some ramen noodles.

"Do you think the driver ate your burger and fries?"

"Maybe? Or else delivered them to the stop ahead of me. It said there were two orders out for delivery."

"Huh. Somebody got a real bargain! At least you got your money back."

This tragedy aside, I asked The Pony if that was the lid for his blown-away trash can on the front porch. Yes. It was. And I also asked about that purple thing.

"What is that purple thing that looks like a playground ball?"

"That's a deflated kickball that ended up in the corner by my stairs, and that I pulled out of the front yard."

I suppose there are worse things to find in a front yard. But being cheated out of your anticipated supper is a crime against Ponymanity!


  1. That would be sooo disappointing. Money back certainly does not fix that mistake. I have found that square trash cans stops the blow-away factor.

    1. I know! Poor Pony! I will suggest the square trash can when The Pony's current one blows away.

  2. Glad he got a refund! So, it could have been worse. I personally think they should have sent the driver out with new food and still given a refund.

    1. Yes. I guarantee, The Pony would much rather have had the food than the refund. It's a 20-minute drive from Steak 'n' Shake to The Pony's house. He would probably have fallen asleep waiting for another delivery.

  3. Delivery drivers helping themselves to your paid for food is why I NEVER get meals delivered. Also they never seem to be able to find me until the food is so cold it isn't worth eating. to be fair that was my one and only try at delivery, but I've heard the stories on TV and seen on the news via doorbell cameras drivers knocking while they eat fries.

    1. We've lived out here in the middle of nowhere since delivery became a thing. Even Domino's won't come all the way to our mansion. Only to the mailboxes.

      Once The Pony moved to town to be closer to work, he rejoiced in the ability to get delivery. After a day of driving and walking, the last thing The Pony wants is to stand and cook, or drive somewhere to pick up food. However, such a service also comes with heartbreak!
