Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Review of the $200 Mattress

Hick slept 11 hours on it Sunday night, so I suppose the $200 mattress is a success. He went to bed around 8:30, and didn't get up until 7:30. Granted, Old Buddy was out of town on vacation, so Hick's only plans were going somewhere with This Guy who sold us the $5000 house. Thus he ignored his regular get-up time of 5:30.

Anyhoo... Hick said he slept well, and really likes his bargain mattress. I have mixed feelings on the subject. Let the record show that I don't spend much time on a mattress. My joints hurt after about an hour, and most of my sleeping is done on the short couch, while sitting and watching TV. Our old mattress served us for over 20 years, and was due for replacement. Hick's side had a noticeable indentation. In fact, Hick said he often fell out of bed! That's what happens when you sit on the edge to get dressed for 20 years, and break down the side of your mattress!

Anyhoo... I took my afternoon nap on the new $200 mattress on Monday. I had been afraid that it might be too low, since our last one had a memory foam topper thingy. But this new mattress was almost the same height. However, it was a bit noisy. Making that crinkly sound when you lie down on it.

Anothe drawback of the new mattress was its diabolical thirst for an ample rumpus! When I lay down, getting in on my left side as usual, I was pulled over as if by a magnet to the center of the bed! Hick said he had no such problem. Not once, all through the night. I suppose maybe our old mattress had a less-noticeable indentation on my side, which cradled me when I got in. And without it, the new mattress made me feel like I was being pulled over backwards.

Anyhoo... I slept just fine on the new mattress for the hour I was on it, although I had to wedge my arms under my pillow(s) to stay on my side, and not be sucked backwards into the middle-of-the-bed vortex.

All in all, this mattress was worth $200.


  1. I had a cheap mattress that was super comfortable for about two weeks. Then, it got worse by the day it seemed. Finally, there was a cup to sleep in. Hopefully, yours will be comfortable longer than mine. This was new and given to me, so no use looking a gift horse in the mouth. I am glad it is comfortable.

    1. It will do until it won't! The price was good. It isn't too soft or too hard. As much as I'm on it, my side will be fine for a while. Can't have Hick rolling out of bed all willy-nilly on the old one. So we'll use this mattress until Hick says he can't sleep on it.

  2. I'm glad the mattress is good to sleep on. My cheap one is okay and I'm used to it now. The biggest problem is the light weight, so it slides a little each night and when I make the bed I have to push it back onto the base properly. The original was a mattress and base ensemble with the mattress being filled with inner springs and whatever else goes in there. The current mattress was compacted into a small box and puffed itself to full size once the plastic covering was cut open.

    1. That sounds like The Pony's mattress. He has made no complaints, so I guess it's restful for him.

  3. I always appreciate my mattress after we have been on a trip. The bed in the RV is a queen and short. Not that I am tall, but there is no place like home. I am glad this new mattress is good, so far.

    1. It's good for Hick, and good enough for me.
