Saturday, March 22, 2025

Bargain House Solo Work

Hick was on his own at Bargain House on Thursday. Old Buddy called in sick, so Hick worked on things he could do alone. He sent me pictures, because he thrives on VALidation!

"Windows trimmed in front bedroom"

As with most of Hick's communications, I was at first puzzled. The windows didn't look trimmed to me! Just like when Hick said the bathroom was done, but it still needed trim board, a shower door, and the water hooked up.

Am I the only person who thinks this doesn't look like a "trimmed" window? This is the window that looks out at the side neighbor's house. I can see there has been work done on it. But trimmed? I don't think so!

I questioned Hick when he got home. He said he meant to take pictures BEFORE he started, but he forgot. This window was partially done when he remembered.

THIS is what I would call a trimmed window. It's on the front of Bargain House, looking across the street. Hick said both windows are the ones originally in the house, so he didn't have to buy any, just trim them. He also said that he finished both windows, and painted the walls white. So the front bedroom is almost done.

Hick also said that there is a problem with the kitchen window that will have to be addressed. Heh, heh. He didn't say addressed. I think he might have said dealt with.

"There's a black line in it. It's a double-paned window, and some of the foam has leaked out and expanded. I'll ask my buddy who does windows if there's some way he can fix it. He might know what to do. It will be cheaper than buying a whole new window, but we might have to do that."

Because he's not busy enough, Hick has agreed to paint a house. Somebody at the Senior Center asked him to paint her mom's house for a Mother's Day gift. But she wants it to be a secret. A surprise.

"I told her I'd do it. But I'm not sure how I'm going to keep it a secret!" 

I guess Hick needs to address that issue with the gift-giver! Short of taking her mom out for the day, and then driving up to a painted house, I'm not sure how they will pull that off.


  1. I agree that first window in NOT trimmed, but the second one looks great. How is he going to paint a whole house in one day??

    1. Hick will have the (paid) help of Old Buddy. It's probably not a big house, if it's being lived-in by the MOTHER of a Senior Center crony!

  2. Replies
    1. I have no current plans to get rid of Hick. He's more useful than he is annoying!

  3. If the woman is home and he tried to paint it surreptitiously, he could get shot! Surely, the woman has a plan for the secrecy of the gift. This will be interesting to see how she keeps it a secret. Can he paint a house in one day?

    1. She might shake her cane at Hick, and tell him to get off her lawn! Short of that old woman keeping her shades closed all day, and being hard-of-hearing, I think a trip away from the house will be needed to conceal the surprise.

      Hick and Old Buddy have painted other houses in a day. I guess it depends on how long the old lady is out of the house. Hick does the part he can reach from the ground, and Old Buddy does the ladder work.
