Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Val's Personal Stylist

I got a notice a while back that my driver's license needs to be renewed. I've only known it would happen for six years now. That's when I last renewed. It wreaked havoc with a casino visit, because my new license had not yet arrived by mail. Can you believe they wouldn't take the expired one??? Even though it was clearly me, and had been me for all the years I used that license there before it expired. Just like bad milk, Val was good one day, and poison the next! At least I had that tiny slip of paper the DMV gave me to use during the interim. Which was perfectly fine with those casino people, even though it seems to me that such a "document" could be more easily faked than a laminated picture license.

Anyhoo... I am not looking forward to this renewal. It's only in Backroads, a ten minute drive from home. But that office sits over the gaping collapsing hole down into the lead mines. I do not want to dawdle! Also, I do not relish having my picture taken. My lovely lady-mullet is quite straggly. I make no pretense of coloring it since I've retired, and don't need to present a less-feeble front to 180 students per day who might be tempted to overthrow my authority.

Anyhoo... I asked Hick if he would trim my hair. Just the length, back to shoulder level. He did it before with not-too-bad results. The Pony did a great job one time, while living here right after college. Then the second time not-so-great. I'm hoping it was not one of those "so she'll never ask me again" tactics.

Anyhoo... Hick came home between gallivanting and the auction, so I commanded that he accompany me to the back porch overlooking POOLIO. Believe me, it was tough handing Hick a pair of scissors and turning my back!

We had just begun, two hanks of hair cut, when Hick's phone rang. He not only stopped to look at the caller, but he ANSWERED the call! He not only answered the call, but he KEPT CUTTING WHILE TALKING!!! The dogs were so shocked at this behavior that they got up from their spectating area and walked around by the kitchen. It didn't take long for Hick to finish. Thankfully with both hands again.

"I hope this isn't too bad. You know it might be the last picture I ever have taken. Six more years. That might be my last driver's license before I die!"

The Pony snickered when I said I was going to get my license renewed this week. "Make sure you take a good picture, heh, heh!" 

Seriously. How much worse could it be? Surely no worse than my worst-ever driver's license picture, that even made my own mom laugh uncontrollably. 

The picture Genius set to come up when I called his cell phone. He said it made my head look like a view of the earth from space.

The picture The Pony said made me look like a cross between a person from a giant communist country known for making cheap knockoffs, and an inebriated south-of-the-border person. Oh, and I believe that description began with the word "bloated." [No offense to any people who have giant communist country heritage, nor those south of the border, nor alcoholics, nor bloated people!]

I can hardly wait to see how my driver's license picture turns out! NOT! I will probably be put on a watch list. If I'm not already on there from ordering a 3rd Grade Pony his requested Christmas present of a computer CD to learn Arabic.


  1. I had to have my license renewed right after the state updated the licensing system. It took me 2 hours to get to the clerk. But at least they put the chairs back since the last time I was there. I look like a serial killer in my photo. No way am I going back to redo my picture!

    1. At least I didn't have a lengthy wait. When I thought about saying I lost my license, and asking for a redo on my worst picture, I figured they would just tell me they'd issue a new license with the same photo!

      With my very worst photo, I was there the week they had switched over to a new camera system. I guess they were still experimenting with the distance. Other people's photos were not so extremely close-up.

  2. I hope I at least do my eyebrows for my picture! I love a good haircut though, I have been going to my lady for two decades come this June.

    1. Don't let anyone draw them on with a Magic Marker, like Uncle Leo on Seinfeld, or you will look angry! I'm glad you have a good lady for haircuts. I used to have one, but she quit to become a caterer!

  3. I've never liked the photos taken of me at the DMV but the picture on my Driver's License is much better than the one taken for my passport. I need to renew my Driver's License this month too and am dreading it but will go next week. Sigh!

    1. Good luck to you! I have dreading this task since the minute I walked out of the DMV six years ago with the last one! You know it's coming, and you can't avoid it.

  4. Licence photos always come out looking like someone else, or just plain awful and at least you don't have to look at it every day. Maybe this newest photo will be nice.

    1. Such a sunny, sunny optimist! I have now seen the black-and-white version of my new 6-year photo, and even you would be hard-pressed to describe it as nice. But thanks for the uplifting message.

  5. Can you renew online? In my state we can do that every other time we renew. Super easy. Old picture, of course.

    1. No, that's not an option in Missouri. We can renew vehicle licenses online, but not a driver's license. At least now they are giving us 6 years between renewals, until we get TOO OLD, heh, heh. And I think it's more often for young 'uns like the 16-18 year-olds. At 21 they get a special license without the MINOR printed on it.

  6. I hate the pictures ever since my 1972 license!

    1. The one that just got VOIDed makes me look like a fashion model compared to this license photo!
