Sunday, February 2, 2025

Val's Dish Goes Uneaten

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

The RumpusHole in the white Ford F250 who takes the handicap space at the Gas Station Chicken Store continues to plague Val. Dirty looks, a phone lifted to take his picture, Val limping past the front of his truck while he's inside... nothing deters him from parking in that space unless VAL IS ALREADY IN IT!

A week or two ago, I pulled in as RumpusHole turned in from the back alley, thwarting his plan! He did not park right in front of T-Hoe, in the FREE AIR space, but continued across the lot to park by the moat. It was one of those single-digit-temp days, and he was wearing shorts. Bwah ha ha! His prancing across the windblown lot warmed the cockles of Val's heart.

Anyhoo... there have been several days that he's beat me to that space. I drive on through and visit my other store(s) or use the time to drop off mail at the dead-mouse-smelling post office. Anything to take up at least the 20 minutes that he's usually inside.

Friday, I'd been shopping at 10Box. Back in T-Hoe, I was getting ready to write my receipt total in my checkbook register, and mark the back of my scratchers so I'd know where they came from. I checked the time, and it was 3:20. Oh, no! Rumpushole usually shows up at 35 minutes past the hour. Most often it's 3:35, but that might be because it's the time I'm there. I've also encountered him at 2:25.

Anyhoo... I set my receipt and tickets down, and went straight to the Gas Station Chicken Store. Got my rightful handicap space. When I came out, it was 3:35. Huh. Might as well take the opportunity to record my purchase from 10Box. And mark my tickets I got there, and also from the GSCS. That took about 10 minutes.

Sadly, there was no sign of RumpusHole. Such a disappointment. My cold dish of revenge went uneaten. It will be served again.


  1. Replies
    1. Such a clever plan. Yet a crop which withered on the vine.

  2. Replies
    1. I would gladly give him a double serving, because I doubt he would ask for seconds.

  3. Perhaps he was stuck at home with the same cold you and Hick had.

    1. Heh, heh! I am perfectly fine with that scenario!
