Monday, July 1, 2024

Roadblocks for The Pony

Saturday, there was a "Sauces and Shows" festival on the streets leading to the post office. The two municipal parking lots were closed, as well as the lot where The Pony and his postal brethren and sistren park during the day.

The Pony decided that he would just walk to work on Saturday, because even though one street would allow him a route to get there, he wouldn't be able to park much closer than his house, anyway. He's probably between 1/4 to 1/2 mile from the post office, depending which streets he walks.

"One of the rural carriers asked if he could park at my house. I said that was fine. There's street parking in front, and I wouldn't even care if he parked behind my car in the driveway, since I'm not using it. The worst part is that it's going to be so hot. But I don't mind to walk. It's not that far."

The Pony has Sundays off. He decided that he wanted to try making some soup mix he had gotten at his favorite wine shop last week. 

"Are you sure? It's a little hot for soup."

"Yeah, but since I'm off the next day, I'll have time to stay up and let it simmer for 1 1/2 hours. But I DO need to go to the store for some chicken stock, and sausage, to add to it. I can walk over to Country Mart after work." [It's one block away from the post office.]

"You'll have to carry your groceries home! Maybe you should just pick something up at one of the food booths or food trucks as you walk past."

"Maybe. But I want to make my soup! I'll just wear my satchel, instead of leaving it in my locker. I usually leave it in the car, anyway. I hope I have time today to pick up another bottle of that new wine I liked. The Honeydew Melon."

"You'll have to carry that home in your satchel, too!"

"Mom. That will be nowhere near the weight I usually carry in my satchel!"

Oh, well. I know The Pony made it home, because he sent me a text. I'm not sure about his shopping trip, because he said 

"One of the rural carriers offered me a ride home, since we were walking out at the same time."

This was a rural carrier who drives her own vehicle on the route. Some, like ours, use an LLV (Long Life Vehicle). Probably the same for the rural carrier who asked The Pony to park at his house. Anyhoo, the one providing the ride did not have to find a parking space this day.

I suppose giving up making soup for another day is well worth a ride home after a hard day of work during a heat warning.


  1. Some days in the summer, I want homemade soup. But, I am not willing or able to walk to shop.

    1. The air conditioner makes me cold, so I wouldn't hesitate to make soup if I wanted it. I just thought The Pony might be overheated from walking 11 miles in the heat for work. My days of doing any extra walking are also done!

    2. The young recover faster than we do!

    3. Definitely. It's like they have super-powers!

  2. Pony didn't inherit common sense, did he?

    1. Well, I disagree. If The Pony wanted soup, when he had time to make it, he's physically capable of walking to the story, and carrying groceries home in his satchel that are lighter than his daily workload.

  3. In heat like that, I'd take a ride home too, the soup can wait for another day.

    1. The Pony values physical comfort over his stomach!
