Tuesday, July 2, 2024

A Lot of Rumpus-Chapeaus

Val doesn't ask for much. But one of her desires is a vehicle that will get her to town and back once a day, and a close place to park with room to have T-Hoe's door open fully when exiting and entering. Apparently, that's TOO MUCH for Val's wish list.

Monday, I was over in School-Turn Town, at the Casey's, for scratchers. When I pulled onto the parking lot, there was a truck parked next to the handicap space. It was within its lines, but close. So, seeing this problem ahead of time, I parked T-Hoe a skoosh over, leaving myself room to open the door and get out. 

You can clearly see here that I parked off-center. Not a big deal, because on my right side was a striped walkway thingy. So I wasn't in anybody else's parking spot. UNLESS they decided to park on top of a striped walkway.

My wildest dreams were that this truck would still be parked here when I came out. But that was not to be. 

At least, with the truck gone, there were two empty parking spaces on T-Hoe's left. I know, because I walked across them, rather than down the sidewalk, which would have been taking a chance on catching a toe on the pallets holding their cases of water.

Anyhoo... I made it to T-Hoe, and opened my door. Just then, a little copper-colored car came along behind T-Hoe, wanting to park in that space. I don't know why! There was the other space beside it, right in front of the door. But Copper wanted to park by me. Too bad, so sad. I was there first. I already had my door open. I climbed in as usual. Not rushing. Nothing good comes of rushing.

The Copper car sat there, half in, half out, of the adjacent parking space. Once I was in, with door closed, it pulled forward.

It's not a great picture, taken through T-Hoe's dirty window, in a hurry, while the Copper driver was sitting inside. I was not quite sure she might take offense, and try to open up a can of whip-rumpus on me. However, you can see that after all that waiting, and with an empty space still on her left, she PARKED OVER THE LINE! Good thing I was already in. That doofus could have parked within her lines while I had T-Hoe's door wide open. But noooo. Had to sit there waiting, just to park badly.

This wasn't the only rumpus-chapeau on the parking lot that day! Looking out T-Hoe's passenger window, there's another example.

That is NOT a parking space!!! There could be three or four spaces here. I usually park there at the far right, when the handicap space is crowded or not available. You can see the yellow line where a car should pull up to with its front bumper. Some weirdos park parallel to that yellow line, which also ruins three parking spaces. I don't know why people are such rumpus-chapeaus.

The way this Angle Car was parked made me want to pull up alongside it, and fling T-Hoe's very heavy door open. Again and again. Whoopsie! A dent? Oh, well. I'm pretty sure I'm older, and positive I have more insurance.


  1. People and lines don't seem to be compatible!

    1. Lines are like a foreign concept to some people! Whether parking space lines, center lines on the road, or waiting lines in stores!!!

  2. Wow! Hard to believe that last car taking up so many parking spaces for no reason. If I question how within the lines I've parked, I check when I get out of my car. If I am close to a line, I usually get back inside my car and maneuver it so that there's room on both sides of my car.

    1. Yeah. It's not even a new or expensive car, wanting to avoid dings from other careless parkers.

      I only cheat over in spaces where there's not one next to it. Like at the right end of a parking row, or when there are the striped lines. And I don't take up the entire striped-line area, like I've seen some people park! Nor do I block a ramp.

  3. Now, now, Val. Watch your blood pressure. Take it easy.

    1. Heh, heh! If I took it any easier, I'd be six feet under. Getting out once a day is the most strenuous thing I do.

      Your seeming lack of concern over these bad-parkers makes me think you might be one of them! Surely a
      good-parker would understand the struggle, and not assume I was a hot-head for outing these rumpus-chapeaus...

  4. I have to admit I have never seen such parking shananigans here in Australia. Even driving through rural areas with my brother when we visit our sister, cars park where they are supposed to. I've seen a copper coloured car here in Adelaide, it's a beautiful colour.

    1. You probably don't see two or three cars running the red light every day, either! People are SO ENTITLED (in their minds) here!

      I have no issue with Copper Car, only with the woman driving it. She had no reason to park on the line. In that picture of the handicap sign (which I took last), you can see a truck beside her in the reflection. It was not there when she parked. She could easily have taken that other space, rather than waiting for me to climb into T-Hoe, or parked within her lines.

      Hick's 1980 Oldsmobile Toronado is almost copper-colored. Kind of a cross between brown and copper. This one is prettier.

  5. I thought being cranky was MY thing!

    1. Surely you're not suggesting that these rumpus-chapeaus should be allowed carte blanche to run rampant through the parking lots, taking up space all willy-nilly as they feel the urge!

      If publishing evidence of their shenanigans is considered CRANKY, then I don't want to be Pollyanna anymore. I will crank until the cows come home. Apologists can just remain trapped inside their vehicles, until the rumpus-chapeaus deign to move their cars and allow exit room.
