Monday, February 24, 2025

An OOPSIE For Hick

Saturday morning, Hick left home at 6:00 to go spend the day at his SUS2.5 (Storage Unit Store 2.5). Of course his first stop was Casey's, for his not-so-secret donuts. A terrible mishap befell him there! Of which I was not privy until Hick returned home at 5:15, a bit later than usual.

"I went to step in my truck this morning, and I slipped! Fell flat on my back and hurt my head!"

"WHAT? And you didn't tell me? Right out here?"

"No. I was at Casey's. I put my right foot on the running board. I had ahold of the steering wheel. But when I stepped up, my foot slipped off."

"That's what happens to me! The slush and snow splashes up on our road, and it freezes, and in town it's solid ice on the running board. That's why I keep my long windshield scraper brush handy, to wipe that off before I step in or out."

"You have an actual running board. I just have those pipe things."

"Yeah. But it has that black plastic or rubber part. That's what freezes on mine. The black plastic running board."

"I didn't have my foot on that part. It was on the metal. I was stepping up to put my left foot on the plastic part when I slipped."

"What about your donuts???"

"I THINK I had already laid them on the seat. I hit hard. I've got a big goose egg on the back of my head."

"Are you sure you're okay? No concussion? At least the knot on your head is a good thing, since the swelling is apparently on the outside of your skull."

"I think I'm all right. I got down to my unit, and I noticed I didn't have my glasses. I couldn't figure out what I'd done with them. Then I remembered I had them on when I left for town. I called the kid at Casey's and told him I thought I lost my glasses out front by the sidewalk. He went out to look. Said there was a car parked there, but it had straddled my glasses. They got them out from under, and I just now went by and picked them up."

"Wow! THAT was lucky! I mean that Casey's even had an employee answer the phone, heh, heh. But yeah, lucky that your glasses didn't get smashed, and they kept them for you."

"They're $600 glasses! I'm glad, too!"

Not sure why Hick's glasses are so expensive when he only needs one lens! I think he told me before that they always tell him they have to make two lenses, not just a plain glass one. Seems like a scam to me! What if somebody has good vision in one eye and only needs glass? Anyhoo... Hick said these are the glasses he got after his cataract surgery, and he got the tri-focals or whatever. The blended kind without lines. So I guess they are pricey.

I'm more relieved that Hick is okay. Glasses can be replaced. Hick is one-of-a-kind.


  1. He "thinks" he laid the donuts on the seat? Did he have to look for them after he fell? I'm glad he's okay and got his glasses back. Trifocals are pricey but why would they need to do both lenses? I can't have multi focals becuase my vision is crossed and they can't adjust for that.

    1. That makes me worry that Hick might have had a concussion, not remembering his donuts. At least he didn't have a headache. Genius had one for three days when he got a concussion slamming into a concrete wall at basketball practice.

      I doubt they actually made both lenses. Probably just charged for it!

  2. That is scary. Now, I would be nervous every time he left home. I don't believe they have to make two lenses.

    1. I'm always nervous during the snow and ice, fearing that he might fall on the way to SilverRedO, and be lying there freezing to death without me knowing. I watch for his taillights to go up the driveway, so at least I know he's on the way to civilization.

      I don't think they have to make two lenses. My info is only as reliable as what Hick tells me. I think it should be cheaper for a pair of glasses with only one prescription lens, since they don't have to grind the other to a specific focus.
