Sunday, November 17, 2024

Hick's Newest Business Venture

Hick is quite proud of his SUS2.5 (Storage Unit Store 2 new building). He has spent a lot of time getting it ready. That entailed wiring it for electricity, installing lights, putting down flooring, adding insulation to walls and ceiling, and setting up security cameras. Then he began moving merchandise from his still-operating SUS2.

Here is the outside view of the front of the SUS2.5.

Nothing fancy, just a storefront. He had the gravel hauled in. Probably Old Buddy did the leveling of that gravel.

Hick put a window in one of the side walls.

Nothing special, but it lets in light and air, and he can see out that side. These are pictures from September.

By early October, Hick was moving in merchandise. Here are the beginnings.

I think this was taken from the front door. You can see the side window on the right, just past the jackets.

This is a slightly different angle of the same stuff. Hick likes decorating with the fish and deer heads. He had a guy offer to buy one such item the day after he put it up. Hick told the guy that was part of his decorations, and not for sale. The guy really wanted it, and asked how much it would take to buy it. Of course Hick ended up selling it!

This week, Hick was pretty sure he had his shop set up just how he wanted it.

Here's a view from the back, looking forward to the front door and window.

As you enter, here's what you see:

Hick is quite proud of his display cases. This SUS2.5 is mainly for hunting and fishing supplies. That's what he does the most business with. His other items, like NASCAR collectibles, and Coca Cola stuff, and random items, are in the SUS2.

Let the record show that Hick is not some grungy flea market scammer, selling junk that most people don't want. He has all the required local, state, and federal licenses necessary to run his business, and pays state and federal taxes on his business income.

I think Hick has done a fine job turning a storage unit into a store. He thinks so, too.


  1. That looks really nice and neat. What is the round thing hanging from the ceiling? I can imagine having one theme seems the wy to go. That way, women don't have to sift through fishing stuff. And, vice versa. I suppose he does sell things women might more than men. What are the themes of his other storage units?

    1. I think that blue round thing is a minnow trap, from the pointy end at the top. Hick used to put seasonal stuff in his SUS2, but then started concentrating on what makes him the most money, so added this one.

      As I remember, Hick's other store has stuff like old records, coolers, NASCAR collectibles, posters, mirrors, trays, wall thermometers, all related to beer or soda or automotive brands. Things people might want to add to their collection. He sometimes buys stuff from other dealers that he thinks will sell. He had some little disco light lantern things, kitchen knives. You never know what he might have.

  2. SUS2.5 looks really nice. Hick did a great job with the merchandise being so organized too. Everything is so neat.

    1. Hick likes people to be able to see everything, and not have to dig through piles of stuff.

  3. Looks great. Very professional. I'm impressed. Ranee

    1. Yes. Not what you might initially imagine when you hear "flea market store."

  4. Very nice, very professional! How does he run both? Are they together?

    1. Hick loves his glass display cases! I think that adds a nice touch. I think the storage units might be side by side, but from the numbering, maybe not. I will have to ask how he runs both of them without people stealing!

  5. So much stuff! No wonder he needed another store. Business must be good during hunting/fishing seasons.

    1. Hick has repeat customers, and his business has grown as they tell their friends. The only lull in business is during the winter, when nobody goes traipsing around flea markets. Hick will meet people there to make a sale, though, if they call him looking for a specific item, or wanting to make a trade or sell him something.

  6. Looks amazing, good job Hick! I too am curious as to how he runs them both, if they're side by side that seems pretty easy. But, if they are in different locations, how does he split his time? I think it's cool that Hick does all this, some folks just hoard stuff but Hick is making a good business out of all these items for sale.

    1. I asked Hick, and he said the two units are side by side. He left the other store closed on Sunday. He's in the process of linking his surveillance systems, so he can watch the one shop while sitting in this newest one. Then he can go over if a customer looks interested in something.

      He says sometimes he leaves it open, with a sign saying to "See Hick next door" for people who want to buy something. He says the merchandise he has in that one now is too big to put in a pocket and carry off.

      Hick has plenty of hoarded stuff at home in the BARn, but a lot of it is collectible, and arranged on shelves in the loft. That's why it's called the BARn: he has a bar, and beer memorabilia trays and glassware and clocks. There's also a Coca Cola section.

    2. Hick is like a glacier, SO much going on below the surface. Cheers to his SUS2.5!

    3. Heh, heh! That's a good description of Hick.
