Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Pictures of the Beauty Shop Have Been Added to the Double Hovel Listing!

When I checked around noon on Tuesday, the pictures of the Beauty Shop efficiency cottage half of the Double Hovel Flip House(s) had been added to the listing. There are now 41 pictures total. Of course I sent that info to The Pony and Hick. Both thought the pictures of the Beauty Shop turned out well. As did I. 

I've been vacillating over giving info on the actual listing. I don't really want to supply a link. I like my privacy. But Hick said it's fine with him! "Maybe someone will buy it!" Yeah. If any of you are inclined to invest in long-distance property, have at it!

Anyhoo... I don't want to link the realtor's website. But I CAN give you clues on how to find the Double Hovel. If you feel like sleuthing, you can go to Then set the location for St. Francois County, MO (be careful of the correct spelling, heh, heh). Once the whole page loads, you can set the Property Type for Multi Family. That should bring up only a couple of properties, one of them being the Double Hovel. That will allow you to click on the pictures.

If you so desire, after looking through the pictures, you can go back and set that Property Type to House, and browse properties that might be comparable to the main house of the Double Hovel. Of course, having TWO houses should make our property more valuable.

Anyhoo... if you don't feel like going to all that trouble, fine with me! Eventually I might put up some pictures that Hick took of the innards of the Double Hovel. Remember, Hick is no "professional photographer...


  1. Hi Val, I found the listings and I really think that having that little beauty shop house will help with a quick sale. I know I would love a second little dwelling for guests or even as a rental or airbnb. Hick did a great job on the renovations!

    1. I will pass on your compliment to Hick! Neither is the Taj Mahal, but they are safe, live-able houses could provide extra income for the buyer. Or separate space for a child who has moved back home, or an elderly parent.

  2. Just for the heck of it, when I saw that you said the pictures had been taken and included in the listing, I went back to the website and typed in Missouri and multifamily and it didn't take too much to find your listing, and that was before I read your post. (with all the clues) I have my fingers crossed that it sells quickly. It would be a nice investment for someone to buy and then rent out one and live in the other or rent out both. Ranee

    1. You are quite the sleuth! In Hick's thinking, a single person could live in the Beauty Shop, and rent out the big house to make the payment on the property. It's a suitable living space with everything you need, and you'd pretty much be living rent-free while paying for the property with the tenant's rent. OR an investor would have the two houses for two rents, being able to pay it off sooner by paying down the principal on the loan, since the rent on the big house would likely cover the monthly mortgage.

  3. I will go later. I am celebrating being diagnosed with a condition. No, I am not crazy. I need to type now.
    Practical Parsimony

    1. There's no rush. I doubt that it will sell by tomorrow.

  4. Oooh! A challenge! Going there now...

    1. Val has had a lot of practice at assigning busywork!

  5. The pictures did turn out good. Hope you get some offers soon!

    1. The pictures make the outside of the main house look worse than in person, but the interior photos flatter it. The Beauty Shop pictures are great lipstick for our little piglet. I'm hoping we get a couple of offers over the next several months.

  6. Both homes turned out very nice! I really like that dining seting in the main house and I had a bit of a squizz (Aussie slang for look) around other areas nearby and am astonished at the prices. There are homes with 4 or 5 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms for UNDER $400k!! You wouldn't find that in Australia, not even in rural areas.

    1. Thank you. This is something Hick is good at. The kitchen table I think came out of the QuickFlip house. The old lady who bought it only wanted a couple of pieces, and told Hick to clean out the furniture.

      Missouri is a fairly cheap place to live. The house prices reflect that.

  7. Hick did an amazing job with the houses. They both look really nice.

    1. Thanks. I'll tell Hick. The Beauty Shop is a miracle, considering it was torn down to the dirt floor, and Hick created a living space. Then again, maybe that's easier than taking out and putting up walls, and tearing up flooring for replacement, like in the big house.
