Tuesday, July 16, 2024

It's Probably For the Best

Sunday night, Hick showed me a stove he found on Facebook for the Beauty Shop half of the Double Hovel flip house(s). He's nearing completion. It was a glass-top stove for $150. Looked decent enough, presuming it did, indeed, work.

"She finally got back to me on it. She had said she was in [town by our lot in a local lake development]. But now she says she really lives in Sis-Town. And that she doesn't want to give out her address, but to text her an hour before I want to pick it up, and she will tell me where."

"Well. I can see how she might not want to give out her address. So I guess that's okay."

"Yeah. It's a good deal on the stove."

Well. On Monday, Hick tried to go buy that stove. And the lady never responded. That's okay. Hick saw several stoves available in the area, for around the same price. It's just the stringing-along that's annoying. 

That woman could have said she already sold the stove. Or that she changed her mind. Or that she didn't feel comfortable with the sale. No need to PRETEND that she was going to let Hick buy that stove!

What in the Not-Heaven is wrong with people these days???


  1. Probably had a better offer, but a simple text is not that hard. BTW, best place for those transactions with strangers is at the local PD. Ours has an area which is also monitored.

    1. Something is off about the whole situation. Leave it to Hick to choose the loony.

      The PD over in Bill-Paying town has a section of their lot dedicated to those transactions. I suppose this woman didn't want to haul a stove out of her house, just wanted it picked up.

  2. Sounds like a bit of flim-flam is going on there. I'd advise Hick to avoid her.

    1. I advised Hick the same, but he said he sent her ANOTHER text saying he really wanted her stove. Heh, heh, I'm sure that did nothing to set her at ease!

      First she listed the stove as being in the lake development town. Then said it was in Sis-Town, where The Pony lives. THEN Hick saw that the lady proclaims to live over in Bill-Paying Town, which is another 10 miles away.

      Perhaps Hick is being too stalkerish in gathering info! But something isn't right, even if this stove is coming out of a flip/rental house. There are plenty more stoves in the Backroads internet sea. Hick should set his sights on a different stove.

  3. Replies
    1. Sometimes weird, sometimes criminally deceptive. You never know.

  4. I had a guy who wanted to buy an iron bed frame from me. It was a normal conversation until he said in a bedroom voice, "How does it sleep?" I turned nasty and shrieky, hoping he would be turned off by my voice and attitude." Soon, there was a knock at the door. I hid inside listening to the knocking. When I heard footsteps going off the porch, I peeked out a window. It was a lady who wanted the bed that I had talked to before. She was fit to be tied. I apologized and she bought the bed frame. So, maybe the woman had a similar experience. I never sold anything from my home. I took things to street in front of library that was across from pd.

    1. This lady sent Hick a text at 7:30 last night, saying he could come pick up the stove. He did NOT! Yet he was planning to text her about it again today. I say give it up, find a different stove!

  5. Most of the people I have dealt with on FB have met me in a parking lot to exchange money and item. I am just as cautious about picking things up from a home and would never go alone. I prefer the meet-up and most parking lots (Walmart, McDonalds) also have cameras. I wish you were closer, I have a stove and a dishwasher for $25 each. The stove just needs the temperature thingy replaced i the oven and the dishwasher works fine. Priced low to simply get them gone. HeWho hoards and we have too much stuff. Two power washers, two or three of every tool and he loves nothing more than buying more. This purge will NOT include my shed and any of my crafty stuff, of course!!

    1. Most of the people Hick deals with have him come to their house. He was only worried once, but that is not a story for here.

      While Hick would love to get your bargain stove and dishwasher, I could never tell him about the other items you might have to offer. Our men have the same "problem."
