Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Trouble in QuickFlip Paradise

You may recall that last month, Thevictorians legally sealed a deal on a property that Hick had made a handshake agreement on many months previous. And that about three weeks later from our official possession, we sold that property.

As with most of Hick's deals, there was a gentleman's agreement, recognized by the Old Lady who was the final buyer. That the original Half-Owner could take possession of his 8N Ford Tractor that was in a garage, along with a couple of lawnmowers. 

Fast forward two weeks from the closing. The Half-Owner had still not come to retrieve his tractor and lawnmowers. Which he'd known for a couple months that he needed to remove from the property.

Half-Owner called Old Lady on Sunday morning at 8:30.

"I want my tractor! You changed the locks on my garage! I want to pick up my tractor! You need to get over there and let me in!"

Old Lady was having none of that.

"It's not your garage anymore. It's not convenient for me to go there now. You can schedule a time with me this week and I will let you in to get your tractor and lawnmowers."

"You can't do that! I don't have to make an appointment with you!"

It's not our problem. Old Lady told Hick about it. But we have nothing to do with this feud. We bought the property. We sold the property. It belongs to Old Lady, who had every right to change the locks. Half-Owner has known for a long time that he needed to remove his tractor and lawnmowers from the property. Old Lady is not denying him his tractor and lawnmowers. Only asking that he come at a time that is convenient for her. It's a 30-minute drive for her to get there. She's not living in the house yet.

I'm not so sure that Half-Owner possesses the normal amount of common sense. Hick has said that his buddy, the one who offered him the property, is a well-liked, respected dude. But that many people do not speak highly of Half-Owner, his brother.

Anyhoo... not our monkey, not our circus.


  1. Ah, trouble in paradise. Half-Owner seems a bit Hair-Brained. Speaking of which, is that cat in your header new or have I somehow just not noticed it before? It's a pretty thing.

    1. Half-Owner is now Half-Seller! His rights ended when he signed the papers to sell QuickFlip house to us. It was just a gentleman's agreement that he could retrieve his tractor and mowers from the garage. That does NOT mean he could access that garage whenever he wanted to after the double-sale. His retrieval of his stored property is contingent on the availability of the new PROPTERY OWNER to allow him access.

      That cat in my header has been there for 13 years or more! PLEASE do not participate in jury duty, as your attention to detail might be somewhat lacking!!!

      That cat was adopted from a teaching colleague who had two sets of kittens. It was the pick of The Pony, who was a mere child at the time. She was not a pleasant pet, trying to scratch Hick when he took her out of the carrier when we brought her home as a kitten. Ironically, The Pony wanted to name her SNUGGLES. She shunned everybody except me. She LOVED me! She would jump onto my chest when I sat down on the porch to rest after a session of porch-walking exercise, her long hair sticking to my sweaty skin. She always smelled like baby powder. I have no idea why. She disappeared several years after we got her. Hick thinks our neighbors took her into their house. At least she was loved!

  2. But, Hick is so nice, especially to older people. Can he not intervene with words of wisdom to half owner or the nicer brother?

    1. Hick might have mentioned the issue to the brother. The Old Lady is actually being nice to allow Half-"Seller" to retrieve his tractor and mowers from HER PROPERTY! If he doesn't want to comply with her availability, she has every right to get rid of it.

  3. I hope it gets resolved quickly without any more trouble.

    1. Yes. All that guy has to do is set a time so the Old Lady can be there and let him into the garage. If he wants to be hard-headed about the issue, he will lose his tractor and mowers!
