Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Can You Believe Val is Annoyed?

Hick went to an auction Monday night! I had a night off from making his supper and cleaning up after him! It's as good as bingo! 

That's not what annoyed me.

With Hick away, I picked up my favorite Dairy Queen supper of soft pretzel sticks and a cheeseburger off their 2-for-$5 menu. The line was not too long. Only four cars ahead of me. It moved quickly. I got my food. The gal didn't even wrap the long receipt around my debit card, but folded it in half and handed it beside the card. I checked in the bag, and my queso sauce was included. Off to enjoy my solitary meal and scratchers and music from Spotify on HIPPIE.

Well. I pulled into the garage, and set my DQ bag on T-Hoe's console, so I could just turn and grab it once I got out with my purse and metal water bottle in hand. No need to walk around and fetch the DQ bag from the passenger side.

What in the NOT-HEAVEN???

That bag tipped over before I could get my door open! Dang those DQ order-packers! I don't know WHY some of them have to use the SMALL bag for my cheeseburger and pretzel sticks. They wad up two or four napkins and stuff them in the bottom. Then put in my cheeseburger. Then put the pretzels on top. That's too much for a small bag! It's TOP-HEAVY! I always pin it to the back of the passenger seat with my purse, so it won't fall over if I have to hit the brakes. It will usually at least STAND UP when placed on a flat surface. Not this time.

I heard something fall out of my DQ bag! I was afraid it was my pretzels, but only one of the three escaped, and was lying on the edge of the console. I quickly stuffed it back in the bag, but my precious queso sauce was missing!

I reached back to the floor behind the console. Felt on both sides, in front of the seat behind me, and the passenger seat. No queso! Dang it! I got out and opened the back door. Felt all around again. Looked. NOTHING! I DID find a dollar, all folded up. So there's that! Finally, I picked up the maroon quilted slick-fabric winter coat I haul around in case I get run off the road in the snow. I moved it farther back. I figure I won't need it for several months. Anyhoo... my queso rolled out! How it got down in some folds where I couldn't see it or feel it, I'll never understand.

Anyhoo... here's the small bag they stuff my food in:

It's so small that the pretzel sticks hit the side, and lose some of their butter coating. Inside, it looks like THIS:

Even if the bag hasn't tipped over, and I've restored a pretzel stick and queso container, the pretzel sticks are always slapped into the cardboard container all willy-nilly. Here's my precious queso that I will forever look for before driving away, since that one time they left it out:

Those pretzel sticks are not the same without queso! And now I have an extra dollar, too, for my trouble!

I really like it better whey they use the large bag, and set the cheeseburger and the pretzel sticks side by side on the bottom. I does not tip over. Nothing gets smashed. And the salt doesn't get knocked off the pretzel sticks like when (EVEN WORSE) they put the burger on top of the pretzels in a small bag.


  1. We had that at BK where a wad of napkins was on the bottom and hamburgers were on top on their sides! I was annoyed. Why not use a larger bag and lay the hamburgers down where it does not make it top heavy. At least nothing fell out.

    1. I guess they're like the grocery baggers (any of those still around?) who don't understand about putting heavy items on top of the bread... They don't use common sense.

  2. Oh Val, It could have been so much worse. I was afraid as I was reading your story that the top of the container holding the queso sauce had come off and spilled all over the floor. I hate messes like that in my car:)

    1. I dodged that bullet! Yes, it could have been so much worse. But at least this would only have been on the coat, which is washable.

  3. Replies
    1. Heh, heh! That seems to be a bit of a rude and personal question, to inquire about my bedroom habits!!!

      Perhaps you can save face by pretending you only meant it as an inquiry concerning a possible quest to control my surroundings...

  4. It is possible they were out of large bags, but even so those pretzel sticks look like they should be in a long box where they can lay down properly. At least you found the queso, and maybe even steven made it roll there so you'd find the $1.

    1. I doubt they were out. It seems random when I get a small bag or a large bag. I think it depends on the employee who bags the orders.

      I agree that my pretzel sticks should be able to stretch out! They are always bent from being crammed into that little cardboard container. Doesn't affect the taste, though! They're still delicious.

      I was thrilled to find the queso, and the dollar was a nice surprise. If only Even Steven hadn't made me work so hard to get them...

  5. Any item that falls inside a car will find its way to the most difficult crevasse to find possible.

    1. I agree! When the boys were younger, we found a cheeseburger that must have been two years old, way under a back seat. It was from McDonald's. So not moldy or decomposed. Merely hard, looking like the day it came through the window.
