Thursday, June 13, 2024

Back to Wednesday Night Bingo

FINALLY! Hick has returned to playing bingo on Wednesday nights! That's after a few weeks of not playing at all!!! I'm pretty sure I am happier than Hick. His people decided to switch nights, since the Tuesday night version did not have good prizes, and not much of a crowd.

I asked Hick to send me pictures of his food, and the big prize. Of course that's not a simple task for someone like Hick.

"Shrimp and chess sticks"

A typical Hick response. I'm pretty sure he meant CHEESE sticks.

"Mmm. Why do the shrimp look sticky?"

A normal person might have responded with the name of the shrimp. But not Hick.

"They are but they are good"

"I MEAN what flavoring makes it sticky?"

"It's spicy something head sweating"

"Well. I guess you could have read the menu."

So I still don't know what kind of shrimp Hick had for his supper. He said the big prize was 2 tickets to Fort Lauderdale Florida. Which he did not win. However...

"I won a sign"

"WooHoo! At least you won something!"

"It's actually a pretty nice sign"

Yes. Since it was FREE!


  1. I know a couple of boys who would love that sign.

    1. Hick loves it so much, I don't think he plans to sell it at his SUS2. Maybe he'll put it up in his BARn loft, with his other beer memorabilia.

  2. Yay! Hick is back to winning prices again. I'm pulling for both you and him:)

    1. Heh, heh! I'm happy he's out of the house again one night a week! I think this is only the second thing he's won at this sports bar. The CHANCE to win hockey tickets was the first.

  3. That's a great sign. Never heard of chess pieces fried, might go well with a dirty water cocktail.

    1. You need your own sign, with people clinking dirty-water cocktails! You could label it "Mediocre People and Questionable Cocktails." Not meaning YOU, of course, but those dastardly, devious owners who schemed to trick innocent drinkers by replacing their alcohol with colored water.

  4. Oh, we all know you could care less about his "price", since his absence is your "price"!
