Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Yet Another Example of People Unable to Perform the Simplest of Jobs Correctly

It is no secret that Val is a frequenter of Dairy Queen. On the nights that Hick goes to play bar bingo, she picks up her supper of a cheeseburger and soft pretzel sticks off the 2-for-$5 menu. It's not breaking the bank, and the food is usually quite tasty. 

I should have known there would be an issue on Tuesday evening. The mini pickup truck ahead of me took 4 minutes to order! I pegged them as the Chicken Basket type. Chicken Baskets take a while to cook. Not somebody I want to be behind. I'd just come from 10Box, and had groceries to carry in without the help of Hick. And now, I was being penalized with extra wait time. I was especially unoptimistic when I saw the woman in the driver's seat pointing her finger and gesturing at the drive-thru speaker.

When I pulled forward to order, the voice from inside was not the middle-aged man, nor the sweet young woman who usually handles my request. It was a mealy-mouthed girl who was barely audible over the speaker. I gave my usual order, and waited an extra minute before she revealed my price.

Indeed, that mini pickup truck took another five minutes waiting for, are you ready for this, TWO chicken baskets, and a bag of something indiscernible. I was thrilled when I pulled up to the window, and the gal handed me my bag before even taking my card. That's a novice for you! What's to keep me from stomping on the gas, speeding away in T-Hoe without handing over my card? Just my honesty, I suppose.

Anyhoo, once I was home, carried in the groceries, put them away, and sat down with my supper... I discovered that I HAD NO QUESO SAUCE! That is standard with the soft pretzels! It comes with them. No need to ask. Three soft pretzel sticks, and a tiny condiment cup of queso sauce!

You can bet they're going to hear about that on my next visit. Though only AFTER I have the bag in my hand. Not taking a chance on them getting revenge by befouling my food!


  1. I have been shorted lately of a dill pickle with my sandwich from McAllisters. Ugh.

    1. My condolences. Another travesty! We should get what we pay for! It's not like we ever mistakenly get EXTRA queso sauce or a second dill pickle! Funny how mistakes only work one way.

  2. The novice at the window probably didn't remember that pretzel sticks come with queso sauce. Best to remind her next time.

    1. I hope to have one of my old order-takers next time! I wonder how the people ahead of me liked their food. Since they were already shaking a finger at the speaker while ordering.

  3. At anyplace we order fast food, we sit and go through the order to make sure we get what we order. Several people at the windows have told us to move forward to check our order. My answer--if we did and something is wrong which it usually is, we would have to sit in line again to get it right! That shuts down the demand to move. We got a small burger the other day and both sides of the paper it was wrapped in was so greasy!

    1. I get a burger as part of the 2-for-$5 deal, with my soft pretzels. The other day it had pickle stumps. The stem end of the pickle, that is all skin, and can't be chewed. Two out of my four pickle slices were stumps! It's almost like I had complained before about something...

      I'm reluctant to complain, because I think they'll do something to my food! I can recognize their voice over the speaker, so I'm sure they can recognize mine, considering how I always order the same thing, at around the same time of day.

  4. When I venture into a drive-thru, I always get someone that sound like they have a mouth full of marbles!

    1. They've probably just taken a bite of somebody's food!
