Friday, May 3, 2024

Thevictorians' Latest Project

The Pony and I were not pleased to hear OH NO from the lady at the title office. We were there to sign papers that would make us the owner of an investment property. Hick had just left, moments earlier, blissfully unaware of this OH NO moment.

"UPS was just here!" Said The Lady, so casually flaunting The Pony's competitor in his face! "He delivered the papers we've been waiting on from Florida, from the seller. But there's a problem..."

We went into a conference room for the signing. The Lady elaborated that the (half-)owner had ONLY SIGNED ONE PAGE! Not even the page that was  most needed. Just the top page of the packet. She showed us the instructions that were included, about signing ALL PAPERS in the presence of a notary public.

Well. We've been waiting for months already. So this was not a shock. Anything that could go wrong kind of had, already. The Pony and I cut eyes at each other. Sighed. And signed our paperwork. We did not blame The Lady. She was efficient and kind. She even offered to bring papers out to the car for me in the future! I politely declined. They have a handicap ramp. And only one step up into the door. Though their rolly chairs terrified me, The Pony stood behind me so I wouldn't roll away as I sat down.

We called Hick while The Lady went into the other room to try and call Half Owner. Hick was down the street, chewing the fat with his Friday buddy. He came right over. And promptly sat in The Lady's seat, even though I told him twice she was sitting there. Then he moved over, and eyed the puffy peppermint candies individually wrapped in a dish near a pencil holder full of pens. Yes, of course he ate one. No telling how many he had during his appointment 15 minutes earlier.

Anyhoo... The Lady returned, saying he hadn't answered. Hick said he thought the guy was coming in on the 1st, because he had a tractor he wanted to remove from the property. I said, "Isn't THIS the 1st? Maybe you should drive over and see if he's there, getting his tractor."

Just then we heard somebody else arrive. The Lady looked out, and it was Half Owner and his brother, the other Half Owner. So all was well. The papers would get signed, the transaction completed, and Hick will pick up final paperwork on Monday.

Not wanting to take the risk of being longwinded (oh, how Val hates to be longwinded, heh, heh) I will continue with details of this property tomorrow. Be forewarned, it will not end there. Another cliffhanger is on your horizon...


  1. When you said, "Pony's competitor," I thought you meant someone competing to buy the property. So, the property is his?
    I hate those rolly chairs, too. They will roll away from me. When I go into an Office Max, they know me and get me a chair, a rolly chair, of course. I always back it up to a counter before I sit. You are lucky to have Pony watching out for you.

    A good friend sitting at a rolly chair at her computer, got up to get something from the printer. Somehow, her rolly chair threw her. It really hurt her, but no broken bones. It has been two years and that fall is plaguing her and still causes other falls. You are right to be cautious.

    1. I was just referring to UPS competing with the USPS in delivery services. The Pony is 50-50 partners with us for house flipping. We split the purchase and the bills, and will thus divide the proceeds.

      So sad that your friend lost the rolly chair rodeo. I hate that out-of-control feeling when it takes off while I'm sitting down. I've never fallen, but I worry that it will roll away before my ample rumpus is lodged on the seat, even though I have hold of the arms. At school, I made sure my rolly chair had a table or the wall behind it when I was sitting.

      The Pony is quite attentive to my needs when he goes somewhere with us, while Hick us usually 10 feet ahead.

  2. Val, it sounds like the sale of the property was safely taken care of with the arrival of the Half Owner and the Other Half Owner. I can't wait to hear what Paul Harvey would say is "the rest of the story." Ha!

    1. It's a doozy! I just typed it up, coming out Saturday at 8:00. Well. Not the REST rest of the story. PART of the rest. Thevictorians, like Tina Turner, never do anything nice and easy.

      Yes, it was convenient that full ownership showed up to sign their paperwork. Of course, they were due to get a check. So that was incentive!

  3. Another cliffhanger?? On top of my broken/kaput/dead washing machine? oh how could you! Ha Ha.

    1. Tighten up the straps of your safety harness! You will dangle again before this tale is done. My sympathies for your departed washing machine. I wish it well on a big farm upstate, over the rainbow bridge.
