Monday, March 27, 2023

The Pony Has a Bone To Pick

The Pony had a bit of trauma on Friday, sitting down to his supper after a hard day's work.

"My boneless wings just had a bone in them! Very unpleasant crunch sound and texture, just glad I didn't break a tooth!"

"Dang! Where did the boneless wings come from?"

"Pizza Hut!!!"

Well. There ya go! Don't rely on a pizza chain to feed you chicken wings. Might as well go to KFC and order a steak. Maybe that dude suing Buffalo Wild Wings because their meat comes from breast meat instead of actual wings might want to try the Pizza Hut version.

The Pony's outrage reminds me of the first time Hick gave young Genius a chicken leg, and he demanded to know: "HEY! Who put the BONE in my chicken?" Like it was a conspiracy.

Kids these days. I fear they won't survive if the Apopadopalyspe (as Hick calls it) ever comes. They would probably toss out a whole chicken carcass, after butchering it and searching unsuccessfully for the nuggets.


  1. That is the funniest thing I have read alld ay. You should write an article about all the things kids would misconstrue in the event of a Apopadopalyspe. LOL

    1. There would be no post-Apopadopalyspe pickles! I had a freshman girl swear she would never eat another pickle, when I told her they were made from cucumbers.

  2. A very excellent reason why all children should spend time in the kitchen learning to cut up and cook stuff. After the apocalypse, those ones will be able to feed themselves.

    1. Yes, and they will realize bones might be present, and won't break their teeth. Since there won't be dentists with anesthesia during the Apopadopalyspe!

  3. Remember back in the day, when we all had to take Home Economics and learn the practical things about living on your own? I must have learned then, since I can purchase a whole chicken and cut it up. The only thing that sticks out in my mind is the teacher emphasizing the importance of having your window shades at the same height. Mine never are, I think I do it in defiance, because it is so not important!!

    1. I CAN cut up a chicken. I just prefer not to. I'd rather bake the whole thing.

      I learned to sew myself a dress, sew myself an apron, and make a cheese souffle. Not skills I use on a regular basis...
