Monday, March 21, 2022

I'm Pretty Sure I Can't Blame Hick for THIS Attempt on My Life

Friday I made a trip to Country Mart for a few groceries, and scratchers from their lottery vending machine. The day was bright, though a bit on the chilly side, with a northwest wind. At least I remembered my jacket this time. Turns out I should have worn not merely a jacket, but a suit made of bubble wrap!
No, I wasn't almost run over by that scoffparker. That vehicle wasn't even there until I came out, it was already (badly) parked.

Here's the deal. As I walked in, and subsequently out, I was careful to step lightly over the puddle of water left from the previous day's rain. Not because I thought it was slippery, but because puddles here have a tendency to be deeper than you might initially presume. I didn't want my pantlegs dipping in, and chilling my ankles as the wind hit them.
I was navigating that concrete stream when WHOMP! One of those plastic wading pools threw itself at my ankles! Let the record show that Val is not quick on her feet, which are attached to her shin-bones, which articulate with her knees. It makes me steely-nerved in games of sidewalk chicken with approaching walkers, but only because I cannot simply sidestep oncoming obstacles. I will go down!

Even though I'd like to lay the blame with Hick, I don't think he sabotaged this stack of plastic pools while I was inside the store. For once, I'm pretty sure Hick was NOT trying to kill me.


  1. I will go down, great motto for this girl, for I am an expert at tripping and going down. I have the bruises to prove it!

    1. I've managed to stay upright for the past couple of years, but only by remaining ever-vigilant!

  2. Was it windy enough to dislodge one of those? They seem to be pretty tightly packed together. Perhaps it was trying to say "please take me home with you."

    1. SOMETHING made it flip out there at the moment I was walking by! I try to look at the logical explanations first.

      I actually wanted one of those pools a couple years ago, for my little dog Jack to play in for the summer. He loves water, and jumps in the green and slimy fake fish pond to cool off.

  3. If you had wanted that pool and tried to release it from the stack it would have been impossible! Somebody had to loosen it before you came along .... did he know you were going there?

    1. I know! That's how it goes. Hick was at his Storage Unit Store, then having lunch and meeting up with his Friday afternoon cronies for shooting the bull. So he COULD have stopped by, even though I didn't tell him I was going there...
