Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Val and The Pony Get Goosed by The Universe

I haven't found a penny since July 20.

Does that mean my life is not on track? Why can I find four pennies in one day back in June, on three different parking lots, and more recently, find a penny on four out of five consecutive days...yet for ten days now, I can't BUY a penny? What's up with that? Am I headed in the wrong direction? Missing important signs along the highway of life? Do I need to make a U-turn? Take the first off ramp?

Yeah. I was starting to doubt myself. No pennies. No lottery luck. No signs from The Universe that jibed with life as I was living it. Then several days ago, I won $140 on scratch-off tickets. Put part of that back in, and won $105. Put part of that back in, won $120. And today, when I put part of that back in, I won $140 again. Don't go thinking that Val is getting rich. She still puts a lot of her winnings back into tickets. But she's a little ahead this week, after a semi dry spell for winnings.

Yesterday and today, I got back two fives instead a ten in my change at two different stores. That's always a good sign for The Five Dollar Daughter. So I've been looking all over the place for pennies. But none are revealing themselves to me.

Being on track in life is not just about monetary gains. Or pennies from heaven. It's about connections.

You know how Serendipity likes to cut up every now and then? Throw a curve ball that has Val whiffing, then serve up a big fat beach ball right over the plate?

I was sitting here at New Delly in my dark basement lair, wondering about a topic to bore you with. Since I couldn't come up with anything, I signed out and went to my super-secret blog. I read a couple of comments. Had a good reply percolating for one of them. Opened up the COMMENTS box...and my phone buzzed with a text.

It was The Pony. Hick is in Oklahoma helping him move, and had texted me earlier that they were going out for supper. Here's the picture The Pony texted me, right as I was getting ready to answer my comment.

The Pony said, "Geese just stopped traffic!"

You know what that blog comment on the tip of my brain reply was going to be?

"Good thing you're not a GOOSE!"

Yeah. For anyone Genius who says, "Pics or it didn't happen," you've seen the pics. So here's a link to that post and my comments.

I might just be on track after all. Silly coincidences.


  1. All those scratcher wins are amazing.

    1. You never answered my request to become a partner!!

    2. Well...the paperwork is kind of tricky.

  2. Val--Oh,I imagine that soon you will have lots to post about. With Hick around ALL THE TIME, you will be on post-material overload.

    How about those shacks? Can we get an inside peek on some that aren't normally highlighted? Or an update on the critters that graze on mansion land (besides the dogs). Or perhaps Juno or Puppy Jack could write a post?

    The possibilities are endless...

    1. I'm sure Hick would gladly display the innards of Shackytown for those grifters who don't want to pay full price admission to his theme park.

      The critters are down to Tom the turkey, and Billy the goat, and Barry the mini pony, and a guinea and a couple of chickens.

      Juno is too busy being jealous to pen her musings, and Jack is too busy rolling on dead things and jumping in bodies of water that are not meant for swimming.

  3. I've never known geese to have stopped traffic before. Out here we have ducks who stop traffic in the city, usually a mother and newly hatched babies crossing a city street to get to the lake in the park. Absolutely Everyone stops, policemen have been known to stand with stop signs and one street near my home has a sign that says duck crossing. I'll try to get a photo of it next time I go that way.

    1. I'm glad these critters made it across the road. Unlike the possum I saw on my way to town today.

  4. It appears someone is right, heck you even have pictures to prove it, Geese will stop traffic.

    As long as you stay ahead of the spendings with the winnings on the lottery tickets then you are ahead of the game...it sounds like you are.

    1. I am ahead with the spendings, but today's casino trip took a big bite out of it. I never take more than I can afford to lose, and I never come home empty-handed. It's my entertainment money. Like Hick's auction and Goodwill money.
