Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Let Me Eat Cake

Christmas Eve dinner at the home of my sister the ex-mayor's wife is a non-salad bar wrapped in a buffet inside a smorgasbord. It's serve yourself. Or in my case this year: have The Pony serve you. The Pony was at the adult kid's table in the kitchen. He asked if I wanted him to get me something, and I am always eager to get out of walking. He brought me a plate of assorted finger foods. Not too much, not too little. He's a good egg, that Pony.

Sis always makes loads of Christmas candy, and displays it on a big platter. Some years it's on the sideboard, some years on our table to pass around, and this year it was in the kitchen. There was also a raisin pie, a Yule Log cake, and a coconut cake. I didn't bother The Pony to fetch me dessert, but when Hick got up to get some for himself, he asked if I wanted anything.

"Yeah. I'll take a piece of that coconut cake, and a turtle off the candy platter."

"Okay. I'll take that plate back for you. Here. Take your fork, you'll need it."

When Hick returned with my dessert plate, it held two items. Neither of which were cake.

"Um. Where's my coconut cake?"

"You never asked for it."

"Yes. I did. And you said 'okay' and told me to keep my fork. Why would I need a fork for THIS? You can't eat a turtle with a fork. And I never wanted that pretzel thing with the pecan on top."

"Huh. Well. Give me your plate. I'll go get you some cake if you want some."

"And get me one of those cookies with the Hershey Kiss, like you have."

That's what Hick brought back. I had asked for that cookie, though I assumed (my fault!) that he would bring me a WHOLE one! There's my turtle. My coconut cake. And two pretzel things I never asked for. Hick had added the one with the M&M. I gave them to Hick, who gladly accepted them. Maybe that was his plan, to get extra dessert without looking like he got extra dessert.

Anyhoo... the cake was pretty good, and I appreciate Hick (eventually)fetching it for me.


  1. Yum! I would have asked for the same as you. That coconut cake looks absolutely wonderful but I would probably have wanted more than one piece of it:)

    1. That cake had little grooves in it for slicing. I would have liked more than one, as well!

  2. I see Hick is up to his old tricks!

    1. Hick uses his bad hearing to his advantage!

  3. i keep waiting for Mrs. C to "Fix me a plate" she says "Wrong wife!"

    1. Hick was on his especially good holiday behavior.

  4. Oh that Hick! Only listening with half an ear while the rest of his mind is on HIS dessert. It does all look nice though, except that turtle, which looks like a giant blob of melted chocolate.

    1. The turtle is chocolate melted over a blob of caramel containing pecans.

  5. I would never ask HeWho to bring dessert to me .... it would be all chocolate. Daughter's friend brought a Pepperidge Farm coconut cake, and she was unaware of my great fondness for this particular cake. I ate it .... all of it. Every crumb. I paid for my gluttony by having to ride back home in the bathroom of the RV. I would do it again, that's how much I love it!

    1. Well, that's a rousing endorsement for the Pepperidge Farm Coconut Cake! This one was a little dry, and not very coconutty. It had ridges to show where to slice. I suppose Hick was too concerned about his image to give me a double.
