Sunday, January 22, 2023

The Incompetents Are Running Val's World!

We have been planning an Oklahoma casino excursion with my sister the ex-mayor's wife. Due to a snow storm headed this way during the drive time, Sis suggested we reschedule. Ex-Mayor called and had their reservations changed yesterday afternoon. When I tried last night, I was told it could not be done! At least by the customer service person who took my call...

Let the record show that Helper was very polite and gave good customer service, except for the little part about giving me no service! She said the computer wouldn't let her do it. She talked herself through the whole thing. So it's not like I was left with a dead phone. I heard every step. 

Helper said that she couldn't move my reservation because the new info for February wasn't in the computer. Even though we're still going to be there in January. I told her what my coupon code was, and how it said that it should be good for January.

"Ma'am, it makes perfect sense to me, like it does to you. But I am not able to access the information I need. I am not allowed in that system. I am near my 90 days, and I have had this problem every month. If you call back tomorrow morning, you should get someone who can do it. But don't call back after 2:00, because YOU MIGHT GET ME AGAIN! But maybe I'll know how to do it then, because as soon as I'm off the phone with you, I'm going to reach out to someone."

Even telling her that SIS was able to get her reservations changed did not make a difference. She said Sis must have talked to somebody before 2:00, even though Sis clearly said it was AFTER 2:00, because she had a cake in the oven that she was waiting on. But Sis DID say that when Ex-Mayor first called, the lady hung up on him! He thought he had just been disconnected, so he called back, and got somebody else. Heh, heh! I bet he had Helper!

Anyhoo... I'm going to call again and see if I can get somebody else to actually service me.


  1. Is the title "Customer Service" a joke? Are thy instructed on how to not give customer service?

    1. It makes me wonder! I've called there several times over the years, and had great service about 50 percent of the time. Sis never seems to have a problem, but she generally calls earlier in the day, while I call in the evening. Of course that doesn't explain the time we were there in person, and she got an excellent room near the elevator, while I, with my door-slammed leg leaking and limping, got one at the end of the hall!

  2. That's annoying for sure. Maybe you should try calling earlier, like before you go to bed in the am hours. although that might be a bit too early. Can you suggest to your sister that she changes ALL the reservations when she calls? Is that allowed?

    1. I got it done around 9:00 a.m. Hope it's right. I could sense pauses after hearing the new gal mumble questions to herself. I think somebody was helping her complete my reservation change.

      Sis can only handler her own reservation. I've tried to book a room for The Pony before, with his discount code, but they have to talk to the actual person. Of course, I could have just handed the phone to Hick to pretend to be The Pony, and nobody would be any the wiser.

    2. That's what I meant, your sister could pretend to be you. Being sisters it's likely you would sound the same on the phone, like my daughters and me, we all sound the same on the phone.

    3. Sis would need my code for the free room, or my player's card number. She MIGHT be able to pull it off. Probably two separate calls would be best...
