Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Am I the Only One Who Sees This as an Issue?

Let's say one is given a list of telephone numbers for everybody in one's office. To have handy, you know, in the event one needs to dial a certain person's extension. Would it be considered rude for one to ask why the numbers are listed in numerical order? Hypothetically, of course.

I always try to look up somebody's phone number by going down a list from 101 to 102 to 103, and so on. Until I get to the extension of my person. Don't you? That's why the phone book is arranged that way, right? In numerical order of all the people in town? What's that? It's NOT? Only the reverse look-up is like that, to find prank callers? Nevermind.

The problem is easily remedied. All one needs to do is unstaple the four-page document and scan it on the new copier/scanner/printer everyone got this summer. Without an operating manual. Then copy, then paste, then alphabetize, then print, then staple. Voila! Easy as pie!

So far, I'm at the unstapling part. Hypothetically.


  1. If this was in Excel, then all the person had to do was click on the column head with the names and sort it that way and print it out with the names in order, too. When I did little tasks like this, I always did it both ways as some people had the extension and wanted the name, while other (most) people had the name and needed the extension. Most people don't use much common sense any more, though. Or just don't care.

  2. Stephen,
    I left the staple. I typed up a new list of names, and hit the alphabetize button. I put in the extensions. It is dunzio. Now I can sell it on the black market, aka the conglomerate of ne'er-do-wells who cohabit my hallway. Need to know how to crack the code on your thermostat? We have an operative for you.

    I know not whether our list-maker is fluent in Excel. She is a grand multi-tasker with an unenviable job. I'm sure that this list makes sense to her, if not to us. Should I mention it, she would likely act surprised, apologize, and have a new list passed out within ten minutes. Copier willing. I don't want to hurt her feelings.

  3. Are you kidding? Who would do this? I am speechless.

  4. Carol,
    Who would do this? Somebody who never refers to the list. Somebody who knows how to work that NASA-technology new phone we got last year, and looks up people on one of its programs.

    I am still typing up the extensions on my Phone List 2.0. It's a work in progress. Because work gets in the way of typing up a list of phone numbers you need at work.

    When in need, I refer to the list from five years ago. Because I know who replaced whom, and who got divorced, and who remarried, and who switched positions. Academic positions. Let's make that clear. So I can figure out quicker from the old list of alphabetized (if obsolete) names what the number is that I need.
