I'm not sure my Z-Pack treatment did any good. I got it last Monday. Took as directed. Still had a fever for seven days, which has gradually dropped to 99. Maybe it would have gotten better anyway. The shooting pain in the left temple area finally went away. So there's that. But on Day 4 of the Z-Pack, I developed a pain in my tooth nerves on the right side, and a crackly noise in my right ear when I swallow.
What in the Not-Heaven can go wrong next? I think the severe cough irritated those tooth nerves. Put pressure on them. I am going back to convenient care on Monday, to beg for some doxycycline. That's what got rid of my double ear infection back in December, and the inflamed tooth nerves. It's cheap, pretty much generic, and one of the antibiotics I'm not allergic to.
I hope I don't get that birdy-faced NP this time. If she had only given me what I asked for last week, maybe I'd be better. Maybe not.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't mind if it's just a regular sickness running its course. Like back in 1990 when I had the flu, and took forever to get over it. Felt weak as a kitten for a long long time. Out of breath with the least little exertion. I just don't want to have some exotic disease that goes undiscovered and untreated.
When I sit in one place, I feel okay. But the minute I move around, I'm panting. Which wants to set off my cough. It's a balance. I remain ever-hopeful. The end of the fever I take as a positive sign.